RadBuilder / EmojiChat

A simple, configurable, opensource plugin that adds emojis to your chat!
MIT License
41 stars 29 forks source link

Emojis not displayed in chat #2

Closed X00LA closed 6 years ago

X00LA commented 6 years ago

What steps will reproduce the issue?

Enter any emoticon shortcut ( :smile:, :grin:, and so on) and search in GUI.

What was supposed to happen?

Emoticon should appear in chat, emoticons should appear in GUI.

What happened instead?

All emoticons are chinese letters.

What Spigot version are you using? Paste the output of /version below.

[06:03:05 INFO]: This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Spigot-7862817-bd30843 (MC: 1.12.2) (Implementing API version 1.12.2-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) [06:03:05 INFO]: Checking version, please wait... [06:03:06 INFO]: You are running the latest version

What plugins do you have installed? Paste the output of /plugins below.

Plugins (70): PlaceholderAPI, Vehicles, DeluxeCommands, Thirst, SimpleAPI, InfoBook, Actionbar, Titlebar, LuckPerms, BandageCraft, AnimatedScoreboard, BetterRealismPro, ProtocolLib, Multiverse-Core, MVdWPlaceholderAPI, AutoRespawnPlus, FastAsyncWorldEdit, SpoilerAlert, VoidGenerator, EmojiChat, Tab, Multiverse-Portals, LuckPermsMVdWHook, ServerListPlus, Vault, BetterDrops, MassiveCore, Gender, BKCommonLib, Rankup, SignLink, DabCore, CreativeGates, Maplands, HolographicDisplays, StreetlightsAdvanced, Multiverse-SignPortals, EpicWorldGenerator, Multiverse-NetherPortals, TreeFeller, MassiveBooks, PerPlayerBlood, EpicNetherGenerator, Bank, WorldEdit, Essentials, AnimatedNames, LightCleaner, RPGHealthPlus, Train_Carts, EssentialsChat, UltimateBackpacks, WorldGuard, TCActionBlocks, WorldSchematics2, EssentialsAntiBuild, EssentialsSpawn, CorpseReborn, Jobs, ExtraContexts, SimplePets, Citizens, Sentinel, GriefPrevention, CitizensText, Builder, Quests, Blacksmith, Alchemist, MelonCrack

Are any errors related to EmojiChat in your console or logs? If so, paste below.

No errors appear in console and logs.

Any additional information that you would like to provide that may be relevant to the issue?

Minecraft needs extremely long to start and login into my server when using emoji resourcepack.

Here's a video from the issue: https://youtu.be/fMSeNL2pEb8

RadBuilder commented 6 years ago

Hi, could you try running /emojichat resourcepack?

X00LA commented 6 years ago

Yo can see in the video, that the resourcepack is server side installed. So the download of the resourcepack works.

RadBuilder commented 6 years ago

Does running /emojichat resourcepack re-apply it correctly to show emojis, or does it still result in emojis not working? Does it work if you manually apply the pack (noticed that you downloaded it and added it to your resource pack folder)? Does it work without other resource packs?

X00LA commented 6 years ago

No, it doesn't work with manually installed texture pack.I redownloaded the pack serverside with /emojichat resourcepack but always the same result. I also have this problem when I use vanilla textures.

RadBuilder commented 6 years ago

It looks like you're using a modded version of Minecraft, which may be manipulating textures. Would it be possible for you to test using a non-modded version of Minecraft?

X00LA commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have now tested several options and I agree, that the issue is a mod I used. Did not think that it could be a mod. I use https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/truetype-font-replacement to change the font in Minecraft but for now, I skipped the usage. :( I wish there was a way to use the mod and the plugin because this mod is very common. Sorry for the inconvenience.

RadBuilder commented 6 years ago

No worries. Does the mod allow multiple fonts to be selected?

X00LA commented 6 years ago

Yes, all fonts that installed on the PC.