RadMuravTeam / Fallout-Sonora-ENG

Fallout Sonora + Dayglow English Translation
31 stars 5 forks source link

unable to save #115

Open Ethan2654 opened 2 months ago

Ethan2654 commented 2 months ago

When trying to save, an in-game box opens saying error unable to save, this doesnt happen on untranslated

Faeywin commented 1 month ago

I'm on Linux using Lutris and I had the same problem, but I figured it out. You need to delete the original "critters" and "items" folders in the /data/proto directory, and since they are empty they aren't doing anything except causing problems.

On a clean install of Sonora, the /data/proto folders "critters" and "items'" are lowercase. The translation mod has its own folders in "proto" as uppercase "CRITTERS" and "ITEMS". Linux treats uppercase and lowercase as entirely different folders, so you end up with two folders of a similar name, and I suppose the game gets confused since it's made for Windows and sees folders with the same name in the same place, and then you can't save your game.

Easy fix for the future would be to have those folders in "proto" be lowercase.