RadarCOVID / radar-covid-android

Native Android app using DP^3T Android sdk to handle Exposure Notifications API from Google
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Basque (eu) translation #24

Closed erral closed 3 years ago

erral commented 3 years ago

Add basque (eu) translation of strings.xml

erral commented 3 years ago

Sí. sí, falta la parte del texto legal. Por esto tiene el prefijo [WIP] de Work in Progress. He hecho el PR para que se viera que alguien estaba haciendo ya la traducción y no duplicar esfuerzos. Espero tener eso preparado hoy o mañana,

erral commented 3 years ago

The translation is ready.

siempredelao commented 3 years ago

Are translations handled through the different strings.xml files? In the onboarding screen, I see a language selector but I only see strings.xml for the default language (Spanish), so I don't know if translations are handled through the resource files or through another mechanism. Could anybody please clarify this?

erral commented 3 years ago

The language configuration settings are loaded through the backend-configuration server:


But the example response texts published in github are only in spanish:


erral commented 3 years ago

According to this comment, the translation of the app comes from a Contentful CMS, so this PR unnecessary:
