RadarCOVID / radar-covid-android

Native Android app using DP^3T Android sdk to handle Exposure Notifications API from Google
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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¿Future implement of Huawei Contact Shield? #27

Open juanro49 opened 3 years ago

juanro49 commented 3 years ago

Hi, since USA has banned Huawei from using Google services, Google Exposute API does not work on their new devices.

For this reason, Huawei has developed the Huawei Contact Shield API integrated in the Huawei Mobile Services.


Do you plan to integrate this function in the future to make RadarCovid usable in Huawei/Honor devices (or others that do not have the GMS but have HMS) an publish RadarCovid in AppGallery (new Huawei/Honor devices doesn't have Play Store since USA ban)?

JuanjoSalvador commented 3 years ago

A nice point would be using an opensource implementation of Google Play Services, such like MicroG. But I'm not sure about how compatible would be with the Google Exposure API and other health APIs.

By migrating to MicroG will be able to compile an APK for F-Droid (available for those all people without Google Play Services, such like LineageOS users or others Android cooked ROMs, and Huawei users too). But first, we need to evaluate the risks and the pros.

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

You can mount your own F-Droid repo but main F-Droid repo doesn't allow you to put propietary code on the app such as the needed to use GPlay Services as well as any kind of integration.

microG doesn't replace the app code needed to use such services but replace the GApps providing them in order to get these apps working correctly. The Exposure API is already supported there.

In other situation, Huawei doesn't allow you to unlock the bootloader in order to replace the OS and this is not a thing everyone can do as well as not every phone is going to be supported by every rom.

As pointed in other issue, I think something based on Bluetooth LE like the G-API using this as base, would be better.

juanro49 commented 3 years ago

Other alternative that can work in any Android device without GMS is CoraLibre https://github.com/CoraLibre/CoraLibre-android-sdk

avecina commented 3 years ago

Thanks. We are working on it.

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

With a recent release of microG for Exposure Notifications improvements, a new kind of use was added to it. 2020-11-25_14-18

The original proposal is pointed in https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues/1166

This allow its use even without Google Play Services nor microG installed, as example this case or even raw AOSP phones. However, this is still experimental as pointed when it says "initial".

EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

The german national app got the goal I pointed by being forked and is already submited into F-Droid.



EchedelleLR commented 3 years ago

Same thing with the app for Switzerland.
