RadekVyM / SimpleToolkit

SimpleToolkit is a .NET MAUI library of helpers and simple, fully customizable controls, such as SimpleShell - custom Shell implementation that allows you to create unique navigation experiences.
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Converting from SimpleShell to Shell? #26

Open asafgo opened 1 year ago

asafgo commented 1 year ago


When trying to convert GadgetStoreApp to use Shell instead of SimpleShell I am receiving the error "The property 'ShellContents' was not found in type 'AppShell'" at AppShell.xaml with this line of code: BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding Source={x:Reference thisShell}, Path=ShellContents}" Is it possible to user Shell instead of SimpleShell please? Thanks, AG

RadekVyM commented 1 year ago

Hi @asafgo, why would you like to do that? You can use normal Shell, but you will lose the ability to create custom navigation controls from scratch. ShellContents is a SimpleShell property, as are some other properties (such as the Content property) which are used in this sample app.