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Multiple cooling systems found attached to distribution system #60

Open lukeduran opened 2 months ago

lukeduran commented 2 months ago

In this case, we didn't provide more than one of a single object type (i.e cooling system); however, we did include both a cooling system and a heat pump. I think this must be happening at the appliedBaseHome step.


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            "addressComponents": {
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                "city": "Charlottesville",
                "stateAbbreviation": "VA",
                "zipCode": "22901-8717"
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                            "id": "clothes-dryer-1"
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                                "coolLoadFraction": 0.6,
                                "coolEfficiency": 16.0,
                                "coolEfficiencyUnits": "SEER",
                                "compressorType": "single stage",
                                "id": "cooling-systems-1"
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                                "coolLoadFraction": 0.4,
                                "heatEfficiency": 9.6,
                                "coolEfficiency": 18.0,
                                "compressorType": "variable speed",
                                "backupSystem": {},
                                "id": "heat-pump-systems-1"
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                "buildingSummary": {
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            "addressComponents": {
                "zipCode": "22901-8717",
                "addressLine1": "2945 Beau Mont Farm Rd",
                "stateAbbreviation": "VA",
                "city": "Charlottesville"
            "errors": [
                    "message": "[\"Warning: No dishwasher specified, the model will not include dishwasher energy use.\" \"Error: Multiple cooling systems found attached to distribution system 'HVACAirDistributionASHP1'.\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/hpxml.rb:3034:in `hvac_systems'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/hpxml.rb:5126:in `block in check_for_errors'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/hpxml.rb:5125:in `each'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/hpxml.rb:5125:in `check_for_errors'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/measure.rb:158:in `validate_hpxml'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/measure.rb:112:in `run'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:289:in `run_measure'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:147:in `block (2 levels) in apply_measures'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:139:in `each'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:139:in `block in apply_measures'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:134:in `each'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:134:in `apply_measures'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/HPXMLtoOpenStudio/resources/meta_measure.rb:22:in `run_hpxml_workflow'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/workflow/run_simulation.rb:40:in `run_workflow'\" \"/var/bin/OpenStudio-HPXML/workflow/run_simulation.rb:157:in `<top (required)>'\" \"eval:121:in `require'\" \"eval:121:in `require'\" \":/ruby/2.5.0/rubygems/core_ext/kernel_require.rb:59:in `require'\" \":/openstudio_cli.rb:1518:in `execute'\" \":/openstudio_cli.rb:761:in `execute'\" \":/openstudio_cli.rb:1755:in `<main>'\" \"eval:175:in `eval'\" \"eval:175:in `require_embedded_absolute'\" \"eval:160:in `block in require_embedded'\" \"eval:154:in `each'\" \"eval:154:in `require_embedded'\" \"eval:113:in `require'\" \"eval:3:in `<main>'\"]",
                    "code": "openstudio-creating-input-unsuccessful"
kellyatradiantlabs commented 2 months ago

@lukeduran this is due to the current limitation of single systems. Though there is only 1 heat pump and 1 cooling system defined, our current defaulting engine is also limited to 1 distribution system. Unfortunately, a single distribution system can have only one source of heating and one source of cooling. In other words, a distribution system can be shared between a central air conditioner and a furnace, but not shared with a heat pump. When we release support for multiple systems, we will also include support for multiple distribution systems. Our apologies for the inconvenience.

lukeduran commented 2 months ago

Got it, thank you @kellyatradiantlabs! So for the time being, we will need to provide either the cooling system OR the heat pump, but not both? Is that correct?

kellyatradiantlabs commented 2 months ago

Since this is related to the distribution system, I believe that if the cooling system or the heat pump did not have a distribution system, then it may be able to pass. For example, a room AC with an air-to-air heat pump or a central AC with a mini-split heat pump may work. In the first case, any heating system installed also could not have a distribution system.

kellyatradiantlabs commented 2 months ago

Actually @lukeduran, after looking at #61, I need to rephrase my last response. Until we release support for multiple systems, my recommendation for the most reliable results is to only specify a single system providing cooling and a single system providing heating, regardless of their distribution types.