RadianttK / anilist-jimaku-button

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No button appears #1

Closed DumbBoy2 closed 1 day ago

DumbBoy2 commented 2 days ago

After following every step no button seems to appear nowhere...

RadianttK commented 2 days ago

Hi @DumbBoy2, thanks for reaching out. Can you please share the following information to help with diagnosing the issue?

Can you please also try opening the console for your browser and refreshing the page and share any errors you see?

Thanks in advance.

For reference, this is where the button should appear once you have loaded the script and entered your Jimaku API key:


DumbBoy2 commented 2 days ago

ok so basically I was just stupid and didn't realize where the button should have been. after spending a lot of time debugging it I saw it... In order to avoid anithing like that to happen to anyone else I suggest making the button more visible and moving it to the front. I already did it for you, you can have a look at it if you want, I used the same colors of the jimaku website tho I have to admit it probably looks better on light mode... can't upload a js file apparently so i'll just paste the code here... // ==UserScript== // @name AniList Jimaku Button // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 1.3 // @description Adds a button to individual anime pages on AniList that links to the corresponding Jimaku entry // @author https://github.com/RadianttK // @match https://anilist.co/anime/* // @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=anilist.co // @grant GM.getValue // @grant GM.setValue // @run-at document-start // @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/493476/AniList%20Jimaku%20Button.user.js // @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.org/scripts/493476/AniList%20Jimaku%20Button.meta.js // ==/UserScript==

(function() { 'use strict'; let currentPageUrl, anilistId, JIMAKU_API_KEY;

async function setupVariables() {
    currentPageUrl = window.location.href;
    const anilistIdRegexMatch = currentPageUrl.match(/^https:\/\/anilist\.co\/anime\/(\d+)(\/.*)?$/);
    anilistId = anilistIdRegexMatch ? anilistIdRegexMatch[1] : null;
    //console.log("Current URL:", currentPageUrl);
    //console.log("Anilist ID:", anilistId);

async function promptAPIKey() {
    const apiKey = prompt("Please enter your Jimaku API key:");
    if (apiKey !== null && apiKey !== "") {
        await GM.setValue("API_KEY_JIMAKU", apiKey);

async function getAPIKey() {
    let apiKey = await GM.getValue("API_KEY_JIMAKU");
    if (!apiKey) {
        await promptAPIKey();
        apiKey = await getAPIKey();
    return apiKey;

//(async function() {
//await GM.deleteValue("API_KEY_JIMAKU");
//console.log("API key cancellata");

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    //console.log("DOMContentLoaded event fired"); // Log
    const pageLoadObserver = new MutationObserver(async function() {
        //console.log("pageLoadObserver callback executed"); // Log
        const overviewButton = document.querySelector('.nav > a.router-link-exact-active');
        //console.log("overview button:", overviewButton); // Log per verificare se viene trovato
        if(!overviewButton) {
            //console.log("overview button not found, stopping execution.");

        JIMAKU_API_KEY = await getAPIKey();
        await setupVariables();
        await addJimakuButton(overviewButton);
    const pageNavigationObserver = new MutationObserver(async function() {
        //console.log("pageNavigationObserver callback executed"); // Log
        if (window.location.href === currentPageUrl) return;

        const jimakuButton = document.getElementById('jimaku-button');
        if (!jimakuButton) return;

        await setupVariables();
        await updateJimakuButton(jimakuButton);

    const observerConfig = { childList: true, subtree: true };
    pageLoadObserver.observe(document.body, observerConfig);
    pageNavigationObserver.observe(document.body, observerConfig);

async function fetchJimakuId(anilistId) {
    const cachedJimakuId = await GM.getValue('jimakuId_' + anilistId);
    return cachedJimakuId ? cachedJimakuId : await fetchJimakuIdFromAPI(anilistId);

async function fetchJimakuIdFromAPI(anilistId) {
    //console.log("Fetching Jimaku ID for Anilist ID:", anilistId); // Log
    //console.log("Using API Key:", JIMAKU_API_KEY); // Log

    const response = await fetch(`https://jimaku.cc/api/entries/search?anilist_id=${anilistId}`, { headers: { 'authorization': JIMAKU_API_KEY } });
    const data = await response.json();

    //console.log("Response data:", data); // Log

    if (response.ok && data[0]) {
        const id = data[0].id;
        await GM.setValue('jimakuId_' + anilistId, id);
        return id;
    if (!data[0]) {
        //console.log(`No jimaku entry found for anilist id: ${anilistId}`)
    //console.error('Error fetching data from Jimaku API:', data.error);
    if (response.status === 401) {
        await GM.setValue("API_KEY_JIMAKU", null);
        //console.log("Invalid Jimaku API key supplied.")
        alert("Error: Invalid Jimaku API key.");
    return "..";

async function addJimakuButton(overviewButton) {
    //console.log("Adding Jimaku button");
    const jimakuButton = createJimakuButton(overviewButton);
    jimakuButton.href = "https://jimaku.cc/";
    overviewButton.parentNode.insertBefore(jimakuButton, overviewButton);
    //console.log("Jimaku button added to the DOM");
    await updateJimakuButton(jimakuButton);

async function updateJimakuButton(jimakuButton) {
    try {
        const id = await fetchJimakuId(anilistId);
        jimakuButton.href = `https://jimaku.cc/entry/${id}`;
        //console.log("Jimaku button href updated:", jimakuButton.href);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

function createJimakuButton(overviewButton) {
    //console.log("Creating Jimaku button");
    const jimakuButton = document.createElement('a');
    jimakuButton.innerText = 'Jimaku';
    jimakuButton.setAttribute('id', 'jimaku-button');
    for (const { name, value } of overviewButton.attributes) {
        jimakuButton.setAttribute(name, value);
    jimakuButton.style.display = 'inline-block';
jimakuButton.style.padding = '8px 12px';
jimakuButton.style.marginLeft = '10px';
jimakuButton.style.marginRight = '10px';
jimakuButton.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(19, 47, 77)'; // Colore di sfondo
jimakuButton.style.color = 'rgb(196, 160, 88)'; // Colore del testo bianco per contrasto
jimakuButton.style.border = `2px solid rgb(19, 47, 77)`; // Colore del bordo
jimakuButton.style.borderRadius = '12px';
jimakuButton.style.fontSize = '14px';
jimakuButton.style.fontWeight = '600'; // Bolder text
jimakuButton.style.textDecoration = 'none';
jimakuButton.style.fontFamily = 'Arial, sans-serif';
jimakuButton.style.cursor = 'pointer';
jimakuButton.style.lineHeight = '2'; // Allinea il testo
jimakuButton.style.textShadow = '1px 1px 1px black'; // Slight shadow to make the text pop
jimakuButton.style.boxShadow = '0 0 10px rgb(19, 47, 77)'; // Glow effect around the button
jimakuButton.onmouseover = function() {
     jimakuButton.style.backgroundColor = '#163a6f'; // Scurisce leggermente il colore di sfondo al passaggio del mouse
    jimakuButton.style.borderColor = 'rgb(196, 160, 88)';
    jimakuButton.style.boxShadow = '0 0 20px 5px rgb(196, 160, 88)';
    jimakuButton.style.borderRadius = '12px'; // Ensure corners stay rounded on hover
jimakuButton.onmouseout = function() {
    jimakuButton.style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(19, 47, 77)'; // Ripristina il colore di sfondo originale
    jimakuButton.style.borderColor = 'rgb(19, 47, 77)';
    jimakuButton.style.boxShadow = '0 0 10px rgb(19, 47, 77)';
    jimakuButton.style.borderRadius = '12px'; // Ensure corners stay rounded on mouse out
    return jimakuButton;


it should look like this with an extra hover feature: image

RadianttK commented 1 day ago

Ah okay, I'm glad it's working!

Thanks for sharing your modified version as well. I like the styling you added.

I personally like it to blend in more with the website, but I agree that can make it hard to find at first. I will add an image to the README.md to make it easier for people in the future.


RadianttK commented 1 day ago

I like your suggestion of moving the button closer to the left as well.

I have implemented this in v1.4 😄