RadicalFx / housekeeping

This repository is intended to keep track and manage all what is not code-related. Requirements and Pre-Requirements discussions should be handled here too.
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Make the master release process on AppVeyor create a release on GitHub #47

Closed mauroservienti closed 8 years ago

mauroservienti commented 8 years ago

We have the @radical-bot user that can be used to create a TAG and push is back to the repo, in order to make it work we need to generate a security token for the user and change the AppVeyor config adding the following: https://www.appveyor.com/docs/deployment/github

The changes that need to be done are:

  - provider: GitHub    
    release: $(GitVersion_NuGetVersion)
    description: 'Release v$(GitVersion_NuGetVersion)'
      secure: 2ijF4OfPYfIUTunubL/Z04ogADL9sx/gKW1jMRNJnAa1OpHZpSvCKmP0gvNs8C7h
    artifact: /.*\.nupkg/, src\build\Release.zip
      branch: master

Related to https://github.com/RadicalFx/housekeeping/issues/35

mauroservienti commented 8 years ago


    secure: <token here>

  - git config --global credential.helper store
  - ps: Add-Content "$env:USERPROFILE\.git-credentials" "https://$($env:access_token):x-oauth-basic@github.com`n"
  - git config --global user.email "...."
  - git config --global user.name "Radical Build"
  - git git tag -a v%GitVersion_NuGetVersion% -m "Release v%GitVersion_NuGetVersion%"
  - git push --follow-tags
mauroservienti commented 8 years ago

this is done, yeah!