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Improve the quality / comprehensiveness of variants #10

Open Transfusion opened 3 years ago

Transfusion commented 3 years ago

斥 and 叱 http://ccamc.org/cjkv.php?cjkv=%E5%8F%B1

康熙字典 【丑集上】【口字部】 【唐韻】【集韻】【韻會】【正韻】𠀤尺栗切,音𩾔。【說文】也。【倉頡篇】大訶爲叱。

漢語大字典 1.大聲呵斥、責罵。 2.呼喊;吆喝。

叱 has connotations of loudness, in addition to being used in compounds that mean rebuking, scolding, etc, e.g. 斥/叱責,怒斥/叱,斥/叱罵 etc

https://www.kanjipedia.jp/kanji/0002920800 斥 in Japanese appears to be primarily used in the "repulsion" sense, e.g. 排斥, 斥力, 斥/退ける, in addition to other classical phrases like 斥候, the only semantic overlap with 叱 being 指斥, 叱 being used otherwise

Transfusion commented 3 years ago

鷽 | 鴬 | 鶯 | 鸴 | 莺

Transfusion commented 3 years ago

TODO: Include twedu and koseki as orthographic variants



Transfusion commented 3 years ago

The simplified and traditional variants of biang should be retrievable from each other :smile:

Transfusion commented 3 years ago

Transposed / rotated characters such as 𠄏 (U+2010F) and 了...

Transfusion commented 3 years ago

𠂤 "今俗作堆" 《康熙字典》引: 《廣韻》《集韻》:𠀤堆本字。《六書故》:阜作𨸏。𠂤,小𨸏也。故其文視𨸏而殺,別作堆𡺾𡊊。