RadioAstronomySoftwareGroup / pyuvsim

A ultra-high precision package for simulating radio interferometers in python on compute clusters.
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Support custom beam patterns in AnalyticBeam class #459

Open telegraphic opened 3 months ago

telegraphic commented 3 months ago

Extend AnalyticBeam class to support any function of alt, az and frequency


The AnalyticBeam class has been extended to support beam calculations using custom functions.

To use, the type='func' argument is set, and the new optional argument func=my_custom_function is set:

def cos_squared(a, z, f):
    return np.cos(z)**2

beam = AnalyticBeam('func', func=cos_squared)

The function must have exactly three arguments, correspinding to az_array, za_array and freq_array, as used in the interp class method:

    def interp(self, az_array, za_array, freq_array, **kwargs):
        Evaluate the primary beam at given sky coordinates and frequencies.

        (mocks :meth:`pyuvdata.UVBeam.interp`, but these are analytic, so no interpolation is done.)

        az_array : array-like of float
            Azimuth values to evaluate at in radians. Should be a 1D array with the same
            length as `za_array`. The azimuth here has the :class:`pyuvdata.UVBeam` convention:
            North of East (East=0, North=pi/2)
        za_array : array-like of float
            Zenith angle values to evaluate at in radians. Should be a 1D array with the
            same length as `az_array`.
        freq_array : array-like of float
            Frequency values to evaluate at in Hz. Should be a 1D array.

Motivation and Context

The AnalyticBeam currently supports uniform, airy and Gaussian beam patterns. This PR allows any function of altitude, zenith angle, and frequency to be used, increasing flexibility.

My motivation was to add support for beams generated from simple combinations of Numpy ufuncs (e.g. cos, sin, exp) with corresponding analytical functions. However, as long as the function returns a value for any given alt/az/freq, it doesn't strictly need to be an analytical function.

I chose this approach over adding another simple analytic function, e.g. type='cos_squared', as it was far more flexible.

Types of changes


For all pull requests:

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Things I haven't done:

Documentation change checklist:

steven-murray commented 3 months ago

@telegraphic thank you for this. I think we need to think about this in relation to the work going on in, in which we are trying to generalize the UVBeam objects to have a more uniform interface between analaytic/simulated beams.

bhazelton commented 3 months ago

@telegraphic As Steven mentioned above, we are currently in the process of overhauling our approach to Analytic Beams, moving them into pyuvdata and trying to have a more flexible and useful API. We'd love your comments on that PR and would be happy to try to incorporate your ideas there as appropriate. The plan is to try to get them in a bit after our upcoming version 3.0 release of pyuvdata. We plan to make a branch of pyuvsim where we'll get the new analytic beams working to make sure everything works well before we merge it into pyuvdata (just as soon as we find the time...).

telegraphic commented 3 months ago

No worries, take your time, can reassess when beam approach has solidified.