Radiobiology-Informatics-Consortium / RBO

Radiation Biology Ontology development
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Add 'low dose radiation study' as study type #118

Open kristenpeach opened 1 year ago

kristenpeach commented 1 year ago

Researchers use the threshold of <0.1 Gray to define "low dose" even though thats not an official (?) threshold according to Jack. Would be a valuable study type anyway. Probably as a child of external exposure study:

kristenpeach commented 1 year ago

@svcostes mentioned this program is being resurrected. He may have some input on the definition.

reality commented 1 year ago

input needed on definition

PaulNSchofield commented 4 months ago

A study of the biological effects of low acute or protracted doses of ionising radiation defined as being below 500 mSv, less than 100mGy, or at dose rates less than 5mGy per hour. (

DanBerrios commented 4 months ago

Parent: radiobiology study type

Editor Note: These thresholds are based on the work described in