Radiobiology-Informatics-Consortium / RBO

Radiation Biology Ontology development
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consider relocation and definition of linear energy transfer RBO_010013 #135

Open PaulNSchofield opened 1 year ago

PaulNSchofield commented 1 year ago

Currently a child of measurement datum. Should it stay here or is this a process? If it stays here then we have a problem with lineal energy. Units of these are keV/micron and ? something per unit path length so quite similar. Can we check that actual units of lineal energy and see if these are effectively the same entity?

High and low LET are used as qualities of radiation so we have a logical problem if one becomes an independent continuant.


Jack Miller

PaulNSchofield commented 1 year ago

do we need "linear energy transfer measurement" ?

DanBerrios commented 2 months ago

Discussed on July 11 2024: Agree that we should re-label the existing concept to "linear energy transfer measurement" and add a new concept for the process of LET as a "vectorally-defined energy transfer process".