RadiusNetworks / android-ibeacon-service

An Android library providing APIs to interact with iBeacons
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Bluetooth Share has Stopped / DeadObjectException #16

Closed franrx closed 5 years ago

franrx commented 10 years ago

In some mobiles, particullary on Samsung phone, we have got constantlly this exception

01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): android.os.DeadObjectException 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy.isEnabled(IBluetooth.java:745) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.isEnabled(BluetoothAdapter.java:524) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.IBeaconService.scanLeDevice(IBeaconService.java:365) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.IBeaconService.finishScanCycle(IBeaconService.java:463) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.IBeaconService.scheduleScanStop(IBeaconService.java:417) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.IBeaconService.access$2(IBeaconService.java:403) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.radiusnetworks.ibeacon.service.IBeaconService$3.run(IBeaconService.java:413) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:730) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:92) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5450) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:525) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:1187) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:1003) 01-29 13:17:57.969: E/BluetoothAdapter(25322): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)

This cause frozen app and in sometimes system reboots.

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the report. I have not seen this before. Can you please tell me under what conditions you see this exception? Is Bluetooth turned on at the time? I'd really like to see a longer log snippet so I can see (a) what happens just before the first time you see this exception, and (b) multiple instances of this happening. If you want to share this log privately, you can email it as an attachment to david@radiusnetworks.com.

Looking at the Android OS source code, it appears that this happens when the Android OS Bluetooth Service has stopped running, which is why a DeadObjectException is logged in the Android OS code below.

If this happens, the Android iBeacon Library is designed to treat this condition as if Bluetooth is turned off -- it will simply try again a second or so later in case the user has turned Bluetooth back on. This may be why you are seeing repeated errors in the log.

Ideally, the library would be able to detect this situation and recover from it somehow. But investigating that possibility requires me to see a longer log snippet.

Thanks, David


public boolean isEnabled() {
    try {
        synchronized(mManagerCallback) {
            if (mService != null) return mService.isEnabled();
    } catch (RemoteException e) {Log.e(TAG, "", e);}
    return false;
davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

After some offline testing with @franrx, we discovered that a Samsung Galaxy Note 3 with Android 4.3 had its Bluetooth Service crash intermittently whenever an LE scan was going on. This was true with or without the Android iBeacon Library, although the Android iBeacon Library does require bluetooth LE scans to work properly.

This appears to be a problem in at least one Samsung Galaxy Note 3 running Android 4.3. I would be interested in hearing other reports of this problem.

pselden commented 10 years ago

I also see this on a Nexus 5 with 4.4. A application crash dialog also pops up for "Bluetooth Share" whenever this happens.

nsathish41 commented 10 years ago

I am getting the error as

E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: trimDatabase

Can anyone tell me what will be the problem

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

Update: We have received a number of similar reports in the past two weeks. It seems some (but not all) Android devices upgraded to 4.3 or 4.4 are experiencing intermittent crashes of the operating system's BluetoothService whenever a Bluetooth LE scan is executed. This appears to be a low-level problem between the hardware and the Android OS. Unfortunately, when the BluetoothService crashes and restarts, it temporarily affects the Android iBeacon Library's ability to detect iBeacons.

We are still investigating possible workarounds, but it is likely that a complete fix to this problem will require either an Android update or a firmware update from individual phone manufacturers.

nsathish41 commented 10 years ago

thanks for the reply.

I found the following line mentioning com.android.bluetooth has been killed. I have no idea why.

Process com.android.bluetooth (pid 4090) has died.

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago


When an Android device pops a dialog saying BluetoothShate has stopped the underlying cause is that the OS BluetoothService has crashed. The logs will typically have DeadObjectException entries from the Android iBeacon Library because the link to the Bluetooth Service has died. (The library will automatically reconnect to the BluetoothService when it starts back up.)

These are all symptoms of the same underlying problem with Android 4.3 and 4.4 on some devices.

If you are experiencing this issue, please add a comment with the following info:

nsathish41 commented 10 years ago
ksyamkrishnan commented 10 years ago

Faced the similar issue in models:- Model: Samsung S4 Android 4.3. While start scanning beacon. and Model: Moto g Android Kitkat While start scanning beacon. any work around to avoid this crash ?

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

Update: I have confirmed that the crash in the core Android Bluetooth Service can be triggered by potentially malformed BLE packets coming from other devices. I have been able to reproduce this problem on my Nexus 4 for the first time in the past week, and can do so at will by simply powering on an iBeacon sourced from China. I no longer believe this problem is related to an upgrade in Android, as I have experienced it on my Nexus 4 running a four-month-old install of 4.4 (last week) and on 4.4.2 (this week).

nsathish41 commented 10 years ago

Still the issue remains.

could not allocate CursorWindow? error -24 ? What error 24 means.?

03-07 07:04:09.910 4683 16897 E SQLiteLog: (14) cannot open file at line 30199 of [00bb9c9ce4] 03-07 07:04:09.910 4683 16897 E SQLiteLog: (14) os_unix.c:30199: (24) open(/data/data/com.android.bluetooth/databases/btopp.db-journal) - 03-07 07:04:09.911 4683 16897 E SQLiteLog: (14) cannot open file at line 30199 of [00bb9c9ce4] 03-07 07:04:09.911 4683 16897 E SQLiteLog: (14) os_unix.c:30199: (24) open(/data/data/com.android.bluetooth/databases/btopp.db-journal) - 03-07 07:04:09.911 4683 16897 E SQLiteLog: (14) statement aborts at 25: [DELETE FROM btopp WHERE ( direction=0 AND status>=200 AND visibility=1 )] unable to open database file 03-07 07:04:09.912 4683 16897 W dalvikvm: threadid=25: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4cf96160) 03-07 07:04:09.912 4683 16898 E CursorWindow: Could not allocate CursorWindow '/data/data/com.android.bluetooth/databases/btopp.db' of size 2097152 due to error -24. 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: trimDatabase 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: Process: com.android.bluetooth, PID: 4683 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCantOpenDatabaseException: unable to open database file (code 14) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.nativeExecuteForChangedRowCount(Native Method) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.executeForChangedRowCount(SQLiteConnection.java:734) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteSession.executeForChangedRowCount(SQLiteSession.java:754) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteStatement.executeUpdateDelete(SQLiteStatement.java:64) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase.delete(SQLiteDatabase.java:1497) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.bluetooth.opp.BluetoothOppProvider.delete(BluetoothOppProvider.java:457) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentProvider$Transport.delete(ContentProvider.java:273) 03-07 07:04:09.913 4683 16897 E AndroidRuntime: at android.content.ContentResolver.delete(ContentResolver.java:1282)

shobhitg commented 10 years ago

@davidgyoung That could be possible. Couple of weeks ago I was in iBeacon hackathon in sf, where I was trying to get Radius Network's android api working for my Nexus 5. I swear that not only my app, but all iBeaconLocate type apps were causing "Bluetooth share has stopped" every 2 seconds. There must be atleast 100 beacons in range (of various manufacturers). When I came home it crashes only once in 20 seconds. At home I have 2 estimotes, 1 radius's usb dongle and 1 gimbal. I will experiment tonight to see introducing which iBeacon in range causes "Bluetooth share has stopped" error.

Btw, I see no (or little) difference between Samsung S4 (Google version with 4.4) and Nexus 5. Both the phones get that "Bluetooth share" error equally.

ksyamkrishnan commented 10 years ago

thanks for the update david, I too found out the gimbal beacons are sending malformed ble packets. So is there any way to avoid this malfunctioned ble packet interference.

Thanks in advance.

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

It looks like Chris Stratton has found the root cause. This problem is caused by an Android bug handling a full buffer holding recently seen BLE Mac addresses. The problem is most likely to affect developers who are around large numbers of BLE devices. The first thing to try to temporarily clear the condition is to put your phone in airplane mode, wait a few secs, and take it out. But the condition will return when you scan enough distinct BLE devices to fill the buffer. We are still investigating other more automated solutions. See: http://stackoverflow.com/a/22355276/1461050

ZackFreedman commented 10 years ago

I temporarily fixed this problem by doing the following:

  1. Root your phone and install a file explorer, such as Root Explorer.
  2. Turn off Bluetooth.
  3. Open your file explorer and mount the filesystem as read/write. Navigate to {root}/datamedia/misc/bluedroid.
  4. Make a backup of the file bt_config.xml.
  5. Open bt_config.xml in a text editor.
  6. The tags between and the corresponding are the cached Bluetooth devices. Delete them. Save the file in place and return to the folder.
  7. Delete the file bt_config.old.
  8. Rename bt_config.xml to bt_config.old.
  9. Turn Bluetooth back on.
  10. Check your Bluetooth settings. If all your paired devices are gone, the fix worked. Otherwise, repeat from step 4.
davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

Zack, thanks. I have verified this on my rooted Nexus 4 as well. Once the bt_config.xml file (or the code that stores the entries in memory) has 1990 entries the BluetoothService crashes.

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

Folks interested in a resolution to this bug should go to the following Google issue and tap the star icon to vote for it:


shobhitg commented 10 years ago

Starred it.

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

Additional information on our provisional solution is here: http://developer.radiusnetworks.com/2014/04/02/a-solution-for-android-bluetooth-crashes.html

ksyamkrishnan commented 10 years ago

I installed BLE Crash resolver and did a force flush. But still bluetooth adapter is crashing on BLE scan.

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 8:18 AM, David G. Young notifications@github.comwrote:

Additional information on our provisional solution is here: http://developer.radiusnetworks.com/2014/04/02/a-solution-for-android-bluetooth-crashes.html

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/RadiusNetworks/android-ibeacon-service/issues/16#issuecomment-39283878 .

Syamkrishnan C K

+91 8297352755

https://twitter.com/smarthitz http://www.linkedin.com/in/syamkrishnanckhttp://www.facebook.com/syamkrishnan.ck

davidgyoung commented 10 years ago

ksyamkrishnan, can you please send details about your phone model and frequency of crashes to support a radius networks.com

ksyamkrishnan commented 10 years ago

I submitted the details regarding this issues to support@radiusnetworks

Thanks, Syam

On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 6:02 PM, David G. Young notifications@github.comwrote:

ksyamkrishnan, can you please send details about your phone model and frequency of crashes to support a radius networks.com

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/RadiusNetworks/android-ibeacon-service/issues/16#issuecomment-39445139 .

Syamkrishnan C K

+91 8297352755

https://twitter.com/smarthitz http://www.linkedin.com/in/syamkrishnanckhttp://www.facebook.com/syamkrishnan.ck

kuikka commented 10 years ago

I see this exception when the bluetooth controller signals H/W error and the bluetooth stack kills itself as a recovery measure (to be restarted asap). All the interfaces bound to the service (BluetoothGatt#mService) get invalidated. Next time any API call of the BluetoothGatt is called this exception happens.

04-03 14:33:00.730 820 bt-hci E Ctlr H/w error event - code:0x3 04-03 14:33:00.730 820 bt-l2cap W L2CA_RemoveFixedChnl() CID: 0x0004 BDA: abba12345678 not connected <= obfuscating address 04-03 14:33:00.730 820 bt-btif W bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs 04-03 14:33:00.730 820 bt-btif E Received H/W Error.

jon-weisz commented 10 years ago

@ZackFreedman Thanks! This method worked for me when absolutely nothing else did on my Samsung Galaxy S3 I747 on Android 4.3 from AT&T

It took me all afternoon to figure out how to root my device so I could try this method, so for anyone else struggling with this issue:

Download the CF autoroot script from here: http://autoroot.chainfire.eu/

I was unable to get the script to work with the Mac/Linux friendly image loader JOdin, so if you can possibly get your hands a Windows machine, use the Odin image loader included in the autoroot download.

On some phones, this voids your warranty and probably trips your "Knox warranty void" bit, which may be a problem for you if you use enterprise level secure communications software on your phone. Read up on it before continuing. http://www.droidviews.com/disable-knox-security-service-on-samsung-galaxy-devices/

Then follow the steps above. Make sure to pay attention to step 2, as it didn't work for me with Bluetooth still enabled.

QuentinGregoire commented 10 years ago

BLE Crash resolver doesn't help for me.

iBeacon Locate app crash after 25-30 minutes with 1 beacon (estimote)

I try a force fluch with the BLE Crash resolver app but it's doesn't help, it's crash after few second.

Phone : Galaxy Nexus with BLE support Android : 4.3

wspruijt commented 10 years ago

Some findings related to this issue:

ksyamkrishnan commented 9 years ago

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ksyamkrishnan commented 9 years ago

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ghost commented 9 years ago

I did this method that @ZackFreedman posted and it worked for my bluetooth error, but now my wifi won't connect. It either just saves the network I normally connect to but doesn't actually connect, or connects for half a second and then tries to authorize again.

I'm pretty much a novice at rooted stuff, but all I did was the steps in his instructions and deleted all the info between and the corresponding and it was in fact 1990 things. I don't know why my wifi won't connect now :( Help!

UPDATE: I turned off my bluetooth for a minute and that allowed wifi to connect. Then I turned bluetooth back on and they seem to be running together fine now. -___-


ksyamkrishnan commented 9 years ago

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gauravsaini03-zz commented 9 years ago

@davidgyoung I am followed the issues created at (https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=67272). I saw that it is marked as Obsolete and closed. Still, I don't see that we have completely solved it ? Can you please update here about the current status ?

davidgyoung commented 9 years ago

Based on changelogs and my testing, I believe the core problem was fixed as of Android 4.4.4. Of course, the problem still exists on older OS versions.

websteryang commented 8 years ago

when enable bluetooth, connected to a device, then do stm & resume. After resume, bluetooth.apk will be died, restart xxx_service, why?

W[  204.864231] PM: suspend exit 2000-01-01 00:03:29.014315300 UTC
/Te[  204.870294] vu3h: Suspend Root Hub
lecomManager(  471): Telecom Service n[  204.876937] [DISP] General Info:  Turn On HDTV!
ot f[  204.881794] [DISP] DP Info:  cbDPPort_OnOff: Enter. status = 1.
I/PowerManagerService(  471): Waking up from sleep (uid 1000)...
V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  471): onScreenTurnedOn(showListener = com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindowManager$2@10e77e52)
V/ActivityManager(  471): Display changed displayId=0
I/DisplayPowerController(  471): Blo[  204.913284] [DISP] HDMI Info:  cbHDMIMonitor_GetDeviceELD: Not support basic audio!
cking scree[  204.921829] [DISP] HDMI Info:  cbHDMIMonitor_GetDeviceELD: Not support basic audio!
n on [  204.929949] [DISP] DP Info:  cbDPPort_OnOff: Exit. status = 1.
u[  204.935829] [DISP] HDMI Info:  cbHDMIMonitor_GetDeviceELD: Not support basic audio!
ntil [  204.943880] [DISP] General Info:  Turn On TV!
initial contents have been drawn.
E/bt-hci  ( 1138): Ctlr H/w error event - code:0x2
[  204.991810] [DISP] General Warning:  downscaler address changed mmio 3278 = 0x 6680000!
[  204.999836] [DISP] General Warning:  downscaler_base_address = 0x       0!
E/WifiStateMachine(  471): cancelDelayedScan -> 3[  205.010960] rtk_btusb: btchr_close: BT usb char device is closing
E/bt-btif ( 1138): Received H/W Error. 
D/btif_config_util( 1138): btif_config_save_file(L188): in file name:/da[  205.027018] rtk_btusb: btusb_close: hci running 0
ta/m[  205.032048] binder: send failed reply for transaction 22212 to 1027:1027
V/ActivityManager(  471): D[  205.043509] binder: 602:967 transaction failed 29189, size 68-0
isplay changed displayId=0
D/SurfaceFlinger(  189): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6482000
I/hwc_s3g (  189): hwc_set_power_mode(disp=0,mode=NORMAL).
V/KeyguardServiceDelegate(  471): **** SHOWN CALLED ****
D/LocalBluetoothManager( 1027): setting foreground activity to non-null context
I/hwc_s3g (  189): *turn on 4.
D/Index   ( 1027): Deleting data for locale 'zh_CN' took 1 millis
D/Index   ( 1027): Indexing locale 'zh_CN' took 4 millis
I/DisplayPowerController(  471): Unblocked screen on after 129 ms
E/libEGL  (  471): call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService
D/BluetoothA2dp(  602): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothInputDevice(  602): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothPan(  602): BluetoothPAN Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 41
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Calling onBluetoothServiceDown callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 3 receivers.

D/BluetoothMap(  602): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothA2dp(  471): Proxy object disconnected

W/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Profile service for profile: ComponentInfo{com.android.bluetooth/com.android.bluetooth.hfp.HeadsetService} died.

D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): -----------n = 3

D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): mProxies.getBroadcastItem(i) = android.bluetooth.IBluetoothProfileServiceConnection$Stub$Proxy@15fc3a4e
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected: com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService
D/BluetoothHeadset(  602): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): mProxies.getBroadcastItem(i) = android.bluetooth.IBluetoothProfileServiceConnection$Stub$Proxy@1c7cc76f
D/BluetoothHeadset( 1027): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): mProxies.getBroadcastItem(i) = android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset$2@3e423425
D/BluetoothHeadset(  471): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 12 -> 13
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602): android.os.DeadObjectException
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:496)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy.getState(IBluetooth.java:756)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getState(BluetoothAdapter.java:529)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.isEnabled(BluetoothHeadset.java:949)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.getConnectionState(BluetoothHeadset.java:436)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BluetoothControllerImpl.handleUpdateConnectionStates(BluetoothControllerImpl.java:332)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BluetoothControllerImpl.access$1300(BluetoothControllerImpl.java:59)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BluetoothControllerImpl$H.handleMessage(BluetoothControllerImpl.java:559)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  602):  at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:61)
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
W/BluetoothHeadset(  602): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothInputDevice(  602): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothPan(  602): Proxy not attached to service
D/BluetoothMap(  602): getConnectionState(98:6C:F5:D6:C1:10)
W/BluetoothMap(  602): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothHeadset(  602): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothPan(  602): Proxy not attached to service
D/BluetoothMap(  602): getConnectionState(98:6C:F5:D6:C1:10)
W/BluetoothMap(  602): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothHeadset(  602): Proxy not attached to service
D/BluetoothMap(  602): getConnectionState(98:6C:F5:D6:C1:10)
W/BluetoothMap(  602): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothHeadset(  602): Proxy not attached to service

I/ActivityManager(  471): Process com.android.bluetooth (pid 1138) has died    // package/app/Bluetooth died

W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hfp.HeadsetService in 1000ms

[  205.460607] [DISP] DP Info:  cbDIU_DP_GetDeviceParamsFromEdid: HDMI device on dual mode DP port!ce in 1000ms

W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.map.BluetoothMapService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.pan.PanService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.gatt.GattService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService in 11000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hdp.HealthService in 21000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.opp.BluetoothOppService in 21000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.pbap.BluetoothPbapService in 21000ms
W/ActivityManager(  471): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.a2dp.A2dpService in 21000ms

D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(false) to 16 receivers.
D/BluetoothInputDevice( 1027): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothA2dp(  471): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602): 
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: android.bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcpController$2@2381b583
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602):  at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1029)
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602):  at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1817)
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602):  at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:551)
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602):  at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAvrcpController$1.onBluetoothStateChange(BluetoothAvrcpController.java:80)
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602):  at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothStateChangeCallback$Stub.onTransact(IBluetoothStateChangeCallback.java:55)
E/BluetoothAvrcpController(  602):  at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:446)
D/BluetoothHeadset(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothMap( 1027): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset(  471): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothMap(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothA2dp( 1027): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothHeadset( 1027): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602): 
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dpSink$2@9da6300
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602):     at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1029)
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602):     at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1817)
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602):     at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:551)
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602):     at android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dpSink$1.onBluetoothStateChange(BluetoothA2dpSink.java:139)
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602):     at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothStateChangeCallback$Stub.onTransact(IBluetoothStateChangeCallback.java:55)
E/BluetoothA2dpSink(  602):     at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:446)
D/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602): 
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602): java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Service not registered: android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadsetClient$2@e265739
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602):    at android.app.LoadedApk.forgetServiceDispatcher(LoadedApk.java:1029)
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602):    at android.app.ContextImpl.unbindService(ContextImpl.java:1817)
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602):    at android.content.ContextWrapper.unbindService(ContextWrapper.java:551)
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602):    at android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadsetClient$1.onBluetoothStateChange(BluetoothHeadsetClient.java:382)
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602):    at android.bluetooth.IBluetoothStateChangeCallback$Stub.onTransact(IBluetoothStateChangeCallback.java:55)
E/BluetoothHeadsetClient(  602):    at android.os.Binder.execTransact(Binder.java:446)
D/BluetoothPbap( 1027): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothInputDevice(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothA2dp(  602): onBluetoothStateChange: up=false
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 13 -> 10
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 41
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothAdapter(  602): 481635733: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 42
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): MESS[  206.160469] [DISP] DP Info:  cbDIU_DP_GetDeviceParamsFromEdid: HDMI device on dual mode DP port!

I/ActivityManager(  471): Start proc 1292:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService
W/ResourcesManager( 1292): Asset path '/system/framework/javax.obex.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding HeadsetService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding A2dpService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding HidService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding HealthService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding PanService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding GattService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1292): Adding BluetoothMapService
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 20
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Added callback: android.b[  206.471417] RTL8723BU: nolinked power save enter
D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1292): make
I/bluedroid( 1292): init
I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1292): Entering OffState
I/bte_conf( 1292): bte_load_conf attempt to load stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/bt_stack.conf
I/bte_conf( 1292): bte_load_ble_conf attempt to load ble stack conf from /etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf
E/bt_osi_config( 1292): config_new unable to open file '/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf': No such file or directory
I/bte_conf( 1292): bte_load_ble_conf file >/etc/bluetooth/ble_stack.conf< not found
I/bluedroid( 1292): get_profile_interface socket
I/bluedroid( 1292): get_profile_interface map_client
I/GKI_LINUX( 1292): gki_task_entry task_id=1 [BTIF] starting
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1292): Address is:34:C3:D2:95:83:D9
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1292): Name is: ZX2000
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Bluetooth Adapter name changed to ZX2000
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Stored Bluetooth name: ZX2000
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 40
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 1
I/bluedroid( 1292): config_hci_snoop_log
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Calling onBluetoothServiceUp callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceUp() to 4 receivers.
I/BtGatt.JNI( 1292): classInitNative(L873): classInitNative: Success!
D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1292): CURRENT_STATE=OFF, MESSAGE = USER_TURN_ON
D/BluetoothAdapterProperties( 1292): Setting state to 11
I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1292): Bluetooth adapter state changed: 10-> 11
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 60
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_STATE_CHANGE: prevState = 10, newState=11
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 10 -> 11
D/BluetoothBondStateMachine( 1292): make
W/BluetoothProfileService( 1292): onCreate, null mAdapterService
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): BluetoothServiceConnection: com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 40
I/BluetoothBondStateMachine( 1292): StableState(): Entering Off State
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): MESSAGE_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE_CONNECTED: 2
D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1292): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@f2c53fb
D/HeadsetService( 1292): Received start request. Starting profile...
I/BluetoothHeadsetServiceJni( 1292): classInitNative: succeeds
D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1292): make
I/BluetoothAdapterState( 1292): Entering PendingCommandState State: isTurningOn()=true, isTurningOff()=false
E/HeadsetStateMachine( 1292): Could not bind to Bluetooth Headset Phone Service
D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1292): max_hf_connections = 1
I/bluedroid( 1292): get_profile_interface handsfree
D/HeadsetStateMachine( 1292): Enter Disconnected: -2, size: 0
D/BluetoothAdapterService( 1292): getAdapterService() - returning com.android.bluetooth.btservice.AdapterService@f2c53fb
D/A2dpService( 1292): Received start request. Starting profile...
I/BluetoothAvrcpServiceJni( 1292): classInitNative: succeeds
I/bluedroid( 1292): get_profile_interface avrcp
E/RemoteController( 1292): Cannot set synchronization mode on an unregistered RemoteController
I/BluetoothA2dpServiceJni( 1292): classInitNative: succeeds
D/A2dpStateMachine( 1292): make
I/bluedroid( 1292): get_profile_interface a2dp
I/GKI_LINUX( 1292): gki_task_entry task_id=2 [A2DP-MEDIA] starting
D/A2dpStateMachine( 1292): Enter Disconnected: -2
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027): 
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027): android.os.DeadObjectException
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:496)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy.getBondState(IBluetooth.java:1147)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.getBondState(BluetoothDevice.java:934)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at com.android.settings.bluetooth.CachedBluetoothDevice.getBondState(CachedBluetoothDevice.java:434)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at com.android.settings.bluetooth.BluetoothDevicePreference.onBindView(BluetoothDevicePreference.java:136)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.preference.Preference.getView(Preference.java:489)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.preference.PreferenceGroupAdapter.getView(PreferenceGroupAdapter.java:246)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.widget.AbsListView.obtainView(AbsListView.java:2347)
E/BluetoothDevice( 1027):   at android.widget.ListView.makeAndAddView(ListView
                                                                                  D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 42
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): MESSAGE_RESTART_BLUETOOTH_SERVICE: Restart IBluetooth service
I/ActivityManager(  471): Start proc 1336:com.android.bluetooth/1002 for service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService
W/ResourcesManager( 1336): Asset path '/system/framework/javax.obex.jar' does not exist or contains no resources.
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding HeadsetService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding A2dpService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding HidService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding HealthService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding PanService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding GattService
D/AdapterServiceConfig( 1336): Adding BluetoothMapService
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Message: 20
D/BluetoothManagerService(  471): Added callback: android.bluetooth.IBluetoothManagerCallback$Stub$Proxy@1b9ee0ba:true
D/BluetoothAdapterState( 1336): make
I/bluedroid( 1336): init
websteryang commented 8 years ago

and stm & resume, stress , reboot happen one time

D/BluetoothManagerService(  475): Message: 41
D/BluetoothManagerService(  475): Calling onBluetoothServiceDown callbacks
D/BluetoothManagerService(  475): Broadcasting onBluetoothServiceDown() to 3 receivers.
D/BluetoothInputDevice(  605): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothA2dp(  475): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothA2dp(  605): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothMap(  605): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothPan(  605): BluetoothPAN Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothManagerService(  475): BluetoothServiceConnection, disconnected: com.android.bluetooth.gatt.GattService
W/BluetoothManagerService(  475): Profile service for profile: ComponentInfo{com.android.bluetooth/com.android.bluetooth.hfp.HeadsetService} died.
D/AndroidRuntime(  475): Shutting down VM
E/AndroidRuntime(  475): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: main
E/AndroidRuntime(  475): java.lang.IllegalStateException: beginBroadcast() called while already in a broadcast
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at android.os.RemoteCallbackList.beginBroadcast(RemoteCallbackList.java:230)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at com.android.server.BluetoothManagerService$ProfileServiceConnections.onServiceDisconnected(BluetoothManagerService.java:680)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher.doDeath(LoadedApk.java:1213)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$RunConnection.run(LoadedApk.java:1227)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:739)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:95)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at com.android.server.SystemServer.run(SystemServer.java:271)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at com.android.server.SystemServer.main(SystemServer.java:172)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:903)
E/AndroidRuntime(  475):        at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:698)
D/BluetoothInputDevice( 1013): Proxy object disconnected
D/HidProfile( 1013): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothA2dp( 1013): Proxy object disconnected
D/A2dpProfile( 1013): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothMap( 1013): Proxy object disconnected
D/MapProfile( 1013): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothPan( 1013): BluetoothPAN Proxy object disconnected
D/PanProfile( 1013): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset( 1013): Proxy object disconnected
D/HeadsetProfile( 1013): Bluetooth service disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(  475): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothHeadset(  605): Proxy object disconnected
D/BluetoothManagerService(  475): Bluetooth State Change Intent: 12 -> 13
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605): 
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605): android.os.DeadObjectException
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Binder.java:496)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at android.bluetooth.IBluetooth$Stub$Proxy.getState(IBluetooth.java:756)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at android.bluetooth.BluetoothAdapter.getState(BluetoothAdapter.java:529)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.isEnabled(BluetoothHeadset.java:949)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at android.bluetooth.BluetoothHeadset.getConnectionState(BluetoothHeadset.java:436)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BluetoothControllerImpl.handleUpdateConnectionStates(BluetoothControllerImpl.java:332)
E/BluetoothAdapter(  605):     at com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.BluetoothControllerImpl.access$1300(BluetoothControllerImpl+++ LOG: write partial (952 of 1343)
D/BluetoothAdapter(  605): 110234339: getState() :  mService = null. Returning STATE_OFF
W/BluetoothHeadset(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothA2dp(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothPan(  605): Proxy not attached to service
D/BluetoothMap(  605): getConnectionState(0C:E0:E4:91:A2:F2)
W/BluetoothMap(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothHeadset(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothPan(  605): Proxy not attached to service
D/BluetoothMap(  605): getConnectionState(0C:E0:E4:91:A2:F2)
W/BluetoothMap(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothHeadset(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothPan(  605): Proxy not attached to service
W/BluetoothHeadset(  605): Proxy not attached to service
I/ActivityManager(  475): Process com.android.bluetooth (pid 5055) has died
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.a2dp.A2dpService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hdp.HealthService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.pbap.BluetoothPbapService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.pan.PanService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hfp.HeadsetService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.map.BluetoothMapService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.opp.BluetoothOppService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.btservice.AdapterService in 1000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.hid.HidService in 11000ms
W/ActivityManager(  475): Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.bluetooth/.gatt.GattService in 11000ms
D/BluetoothManagerService(  475): Broadcasting onBluetoothStateChange(false) to 16 receivers.
I/Process (  475): Sending signal. PID: 475 SIG: 9
[40215.923921] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready
[40215.929956] RTL8723BU: rtw_ndev_init(p2p0)
[40215.937980] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): p2p0: link is not ready
[40215.954478] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
[40215.959136] alarm_release: clear alarm, pending 0
I/lo[40215.964159] binder: 201:409 transaction failed 29189, size 68-0
wmemorykiller(  198): ActivityManager di[40215.973495] [DISP] General Info:  Turn On HDTV!
[40215.978046] [DISP] DP Info:  cbDPPort_OnOff: Enter. status = 1.
I/    static char const* getServiceName() ANDROID_API {
        return "SurfaceFlinger";

    SurfaceFlinger() ANDROID_API;

    // must be called before clients can connect
    void init() ANDROID_API;

    // starts SurfaceFlinger main loop in the current thread
    void run() ANDROID_API;

    enum {
    };(  198): Closing Activity Manager data connection
E/installd(  224): eof
E/installd(  224): failed to read size
I/installd(  224): closing connection
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'assetatlas' died
E/WifiManager( 1013): Channel connection lost
E/WifiManage[40216.009377] [DISP] DP Info:  cbDPPort_OnOff: Exit. status = 1.
r( [40216.015463] [DISP] General Info:  Turn On TV!
605): Channel connection lost
W/AudioFlinger(  223): power manager service died !!!
D/SurfaceFlinger(  201): Set power mode=2, type=0 flinger=0xb6082000
I/hwc_s3g (  201): hwc_set_power_mode(disp=0,mode=NORMAL).
E/WifiManager(23205): Channel connection lost
E/WifiManager( 1192): Channel connection lost
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'print' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'restrictions' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media_session' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media_router' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'trust' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'fingerprint' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'launcherapps' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media_projection' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'imms' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'sensorservice' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'batterystats' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'notification' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'appops' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'power' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'display' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'gfxinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'package' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'user' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'procstats' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'meminfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'devicestoragemonitor' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'wifi' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'wifiscanner' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'rttmanager' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'ethernet' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'pppoe' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'connectivity' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'servicediscovery' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'updatelock' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'location' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'country_detector' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'search' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'dropbox' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'wallpaper' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'audio' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'DockObserver' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'usb' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'serial' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'uimode' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'jobscheduler' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'backup' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'appwidget' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'voiceinteraction' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'diskstats' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'samplingprofiler' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'commontime_management' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'dreams' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'dbinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'cpuinfo' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'activity' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'permission' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'hardware' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'battery' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'usagestats' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'webviewupdate' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'scheduling_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'telephony.registry' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'entropy' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'statusbar' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'account' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'content' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'vibrator' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'consumer_ir' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'alarm' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'window' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'input' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'bluetooth_manager' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'input_method' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'accessibility' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'mount' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'lock_settings' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'clipboard' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'device_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'network_management' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'textservices' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'network_score' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'netstats' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'netpolicy' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'wifip2p' died
I/audio_hw_zx(  223): enter hdmi_event_handle.
I/audio_hw_zx(  223): s3gGetOutputStatus. hdmi_state 1. ret is 0.
I/audio_hw_zx(  223): s3ah: hdmi status update. old state is 0. new status is 1
I/audio_hw_zx(  223): leave hdmi_event_handle.
I/hwc_s3g (  201): *turn on 4.
I/        ( 5156): Load Module EGL: 94.02.03j
D/libEGL  ( 5156): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libEGL_s3g.so
I/        ( 5156): Load Module GLESv1: 94.02.03j
D/s3g_oes_server( 5156): ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VPPCompression 0 DAutoClear 1 SAutoClear 1 ZAutoClear 1 
D/s3g_oes1( 5156):  es1 patch ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VPPCompression 0 DAutoClear 1 SAutoClear 1 ZAutoClear 1 
D/libEGL  ( 5156): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_s3g.so
I/        ( 5156)[40216.476872] init: untracked pid 29521 killed by signal 9
: Load Module GLESv2: 94.02.03j
I/        ( 5156): Load Module GLESv3: 94.02.03j
D/s3g_oes_server( 5156): ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 [40216.496911] init: untracked pid 605 killed by signal 9
PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VP[40216.505409] init: untracked pid 784 killed by signal 9
PCompres[40216.511212] init: untracked pid 1050 killed by signal 9
sion[40216.516728] init: untracked pid 1192 killed by signal 9
0 [40216.522165] init: untracked pid 1279 killed by signal 9
DAut[40216.527762] init: untracked pid 1298 killed by signal 9
oClear [40216.533505] init: untracked pid 21704 killed by signal 9
1 SAutoClea[40216.539731] init: untracked pid 1245 killed by signal 9
r [40216.545197] init: untracked pid 23085 killed by signal 9
1 ZA[40216.550782] init: untracked pid 1013 killed by signal 9
utoC[40216.556345] init: untracked pid 21685 killed by signal 9
lear 1 [40216.562262] init: untracked pid 23104 killed by signal 9

D/s3g[40216.568163] init: untracked pid 23123 killed by signal 9
_[40216.573512] init: untracked pid 23205 killed by signal 9
oes2( 5156):  es1 patch ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VPPCompression 0 DAutoClear 1 SAutoClear 1 ZAutoClear 1 
D/s3g_oes2( 5156):  es2 patch ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VPPCompression 0 DAutoClear 1 SAutoClear 1 ZAutoClear 1 
D/libEGL  ( 5156): loaded /vendor/lib/egl/libGLESv2_s3g.so
I/        ( 5156): Pre-Transform: 3
I/gralloc ( 5156): ChipID: 22, RevisionID: 1, SecureOn: 1.
I/gralloc ( 5156): S3G enable fence sync: 1, diu comp on: 1, alloc comp on: 1, using_native_fence: 1
D/s3g_oes_server( 5156): ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VPPCompression 0 DAutoClear 1 SAutoClear 1 ZAutoClear 1 
D/s3g_oes1( 5156):  es1 patch ZCompression 1 DCompression 1 SCompression 1 TexCompression 1 PCIECompression 1 VideoCompression 0 VPPCompression 0 DAutoClear 1 SAutoClear 1 ZAutoClear 1 
E/BootAnimation( 5156): couldn't find audio_conf.txt
E/FrameworkListener(  219): read() failed (Connection reset by peer)
E/Zygote  (  227): Exit zygote because system server (475) has terminated
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media.audio_flinger' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media.player' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media.audio_policy' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media.camera' died
I/ServiceManager(  199): service 'media.sound_trigger_hw' died
girstn commented 7 years ago

@davidgyoung I'm consistently having this problem of Bluetooth crashing (on stock Android 4.4.2 KitKat, LG G3 D855 model, with BLE Crash Resolver installed) and my bt_config.xml file only had 44 entries! That's nowhere close to the 1990 it's supposed to be able to withstand.

BLE Crash Resolver is recording the crashes correctly under "crashes detected" and is making recovery attempts for most of them.

Does anyone have any thoughts on alternative causes of Bluetooth crashing?

M-monroe83 commented 7 years ago

Model: RCT6203W46 Android version: 4.4.2