🔍 Detailed Description:
The 2nd iteration will handle user input, provide three different types of plotting, have input documentation, and multi-model documented code, and many more.
[X] User input from JSON file
[x] Documentation Input
[x] Time-series plotting (plots all the model's energy in a line chart)
[x] Cumulative plotting (sums up all the energy predicted, per model, horizontal bar chart)
[x] Time-series-cumulative plotting (sums up the energy per model, at each granularity, similar to a staircase)
[x] Window size re-reconsider for plotting
[x] Code documentation
💡 Use Case:
This addresses FR1 ("Support comprehensive data visualization"), FR3 ("Tool universality"), NFR3 ("Leverage simulation data for up to 4 individual models").
🔄 Possible Alternatives:
📌 Additional Context:
For RQ1, "Multi-Model," towards creating a base for RQ2, "Meta-Model."
🚀 Feature Request
📝 Summary: Multi-Model's 2nd iteration.
🔍 Detailed Description: The 2nd iteration will handle user input, provide three different types of plotting, have input documentation, and multi-model documented code, and many more.
💡 Use Case: This addresses FR1 ("Support comprehensive data visualization"), FR3 ("Tool universality"), NFR3 ("Leverage simulation data for up to 4 individual models").
🔄 Possible Alternatives: N/A
📌 Additional Context: For RQ1, "Multi-Model," towards creating a base for RQ2, "Meta-Model."
🔗 Linked Branch: 11-multi-model-iteration-2