RafaelRomeroGarcia / geneExpression_Repository

Maps gene samples into surface parcellation
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Destrieux Atlas - number of regions #2

Open mdibiase1 opened 3 years ago

mdibiase1 commented 3 years ago

Dear Rafael,

Thank you for sharing this code. I generated a gene expression matrix using the Destrieux atlas parcellation scheme (aparc.a2009s.nii.gz). The resulting matrix contains 152 regions -- I expected 148 regions for this atlas. Do you have a list of labels for each region comprising the gene expression matrix for this parcellation?

Thank you kindly,


RafaelRomeroGarcia commented 3 years ago

Thank you Maria for your interest in my code. The regions follow the same order than in the .annot file. You can read it with read_annotation matlab function. I did it for the a2009s.annot atlas and I got 76 regions per hemisphere which matches the 152 regions that you get (first 76 are left and last 76 are right hemisphere). Here you have the list of name regions:

[vertices, label, colortable] = read_annotation('/home/rr480/rds/rds-caesar-hHzy0ewqoFU/group/p00433/1-preprocessed/25986/preop/imaging/structural/FS/label/rh.aparc.a2009s.annot')

{'Unknown'              }
{'G&S_frontomargin'     }
{'G&S_occipital_inf'    }
{'G&S_paracentral'      }
{'G&S_subcentral'       }
{'G&S_transv_frontopol' }
{'G&S_cingul-Ant'       }
{'G&S_cingul-Mid-Ant'   }
{'G&S_cingul-Mid-Post'  }
{'G_cingul-Post-dorsal' }
{'G_cuneus'             }
{'G_front_inf-Orbital'  }
{'G_front_inf-Triangul' }
{'G_front_middle'       }
{'G_front_sup'          }
{'G_Ins_lg&S_cent_ins'  }
{'G_insular_short'      }
{'G_occipital_middle'   }
{'G_occipital_sup'      }
{'G_orbital'            }
{'G_pariet_inf-Angular' }
{'G_parietal_sup'       }
{'G_postcentral'        }
{'G_precentral'         }
{'G_precuneus'          }
{'G_rectus'             }
{'G_subcallosal'        }
{'G_temp_sup-Lateral'   }
{'G_temporal_inf'       }
{'G_temporal_middle'    }
{'Lat_Fis-ant-Horizont' }
{'Lat_Fis-ant-Vertical' }
{'Lat_Fis-post'         }
{'Medial_wall'          }
{'Pole_occipital'       }
{'Pole_temporal'        }
{'S_calcarine'          }
{'S_central'            }
{'S_cingul-Marginalis'  }
{'S_collat_transv_ant'  }
{'S_collat_transv_post' }
{'S_front_inf'          }
{'S_front_middle'       }
{'S_front_sup'          }
{'S_interm_prim-Jensen' }
{'S_oc_middle&Lunatus'  }
{'S_oc_sup&transversal' }
{'S_occipital_ant'      }
{'S_oc-temp_lat'        }
{'S_orbital_lateral'    }
{'S_orbital_med-olfact' }
{'S_orbital-H_Shaped'   }
{'S_parieto_occipital'  }
{'S_pericallosal'       }
{'S_postcentral'        }
{'S_suborbital'         }
{'S_subparietal'        }
{'S_temporal_inf'       }
{'S_temporal_sup'       }
mdibiase1 commented 3 years ago

Perfect - thanks so much :)


RafaelRomeroGarcia commented 3 years ago

Your welcome. btw, I'm sure you know but remember to remove rows 1 and 77 from your analyses (the unknown regions)