RafaelSolVargas / Vulkan

A Discord BOT to play music from Youtube, Spotify and Deezer
MIT License
96 stars 30 forks source link

[Suggestion] Soundcloud and Local File support #64

Open EmpSkit opened 5 months ago

EmpSkit commented 5 months ago

Absolutely love this bot, I previously used JMusicBot for years which wasn't holding up to Youtube's changes very well. They had SC and local file support, which the people that use my bot used often. From what I've tried myself and what my bot users tell me, it ignores local files under the play command and Soundcloud links return a "nothing found" error. Is there a command I'm forgetting about for playing local files? If not could support for both SC and local files be implemented in the future?

RafaelSolVargas commented 5 months ago

Hello @EmpSkit, thanks for your comments about this project. Well, Vulkan was not designed for supporting local files or links from SoundCloud but there is nothing, except time, that prevents it from becoming a reality. But, I'll accept your suggestion and tell you that this could be done.

Can you show me the source code, the GitHub project, of some Bot that has those features you are asking for? This would be a nice start point for the implementation of that

EmpSkit commented 5 months ago

Here's a link to the source code of JMusicBot: https://github.com/jagrosh/MusicBot/archive/refs/tags/0.4.0.zip Although it runs on Java. I have also found a link to a Python bot that supports the same features: https://github.com/solaluset/DandelionMusic/archive/refs/tags/v1.11.0.zip I've tried to look for one that didn't use lavalink since I believe the streaming is handled separately from the bot itself (not certain, just a hunch).

Many thanks for the feedback.