RafaelVidaurre / angular-permission

Simple route authorization via roles/permissions
MIT License
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A different approach for ng-if #435

Closed Eduardo-Julio closed 6 years ago

Eduardo-Julio commented 6 years ago

So a lot of people have commented about the lack of a ng-if type of behavior, this is a basic feature that almost everyone expect from a module that manages roles and permissions.

Yes, I read the docs and I know about the PermPermissionStrategies, but this is just going to make us duplicate the behavior of ng-if and we are probably going to get it wrong, I tried and couldn't make it work like ng-if.

What we can do is use the ng-if directive from angular and pass values from the permissions module so ng-if evaluates them an acts accordingly.

<div permissions ng-if="valueFromPermissions"></div>

I did some research and it seems some people have done it.


lobosg commented 6 years ago

I see this useful +1

blowsie commented 6 years ago

I personally created a component to handle this quite some time ago.


(function() {
  'use strict';

    .component('hasPermission', {
      bindings: {
        permission: '<'
      templateUrl: 'app/common/permissions/has-permission/has-permission.html',
      transclude: true,
      controller: Controller

  /** @ngInject */
  function Controller(PermPermissionMap, PermAuthorization) {
    let ctrl = this;

    ctrl.$onInit = function() {
      let PermissionMap = new PermPermissionMap({
        only: ctrl.permission

      let authorizationResult = PermAuthorization.authorizeByPermissionMap(PermissionMap);

        .then(function() {
          ctrl.hasPermission = true;
        .catch(function(rejectedPermission) {
          ctrl.hasPermission = false;




<div ng-if="$ctrl.hasPermission" ng-transclude=""></div>


 <has-permission permission="'panel--read'" class="col-md-6">
      <div class="panel panel-app">
        <div class="panel-heading">My Panel</div>
        <div class="panel-content">
          Must have permissions
Eduardo-Julio commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your help, I also created a similar solution but I managed to do it using ng if in a more "direct" way.


<div has-permission="'admin'">
    Only users with the permssion "admin" see this
<div has-permission="['admin', 'user']">
    Only users with the permssion "admin" and "user" can see this
angular.module('app').directive('hasPermission', function(ngIfDirective, PermAuthorization, PermPermissionMap, PermPermissionStore, $rootScope) {
    var ngIf = ngIfDirective[0];

    return {
        transclude: ngIf.transclude,
        priority: ngIf.priority - 1,
        terminal: ngIf.terminal,
        restrict: ngIf.restrict,
            hasPermission: '@'
        link: function(scope, element, attributes) {

            scope.initialNgIf = attributes.ngIf, scope.ifEvaluator;

            scope.checkAuth = function() {
                // Check if the user has the permission defined on scope.hasPermission
                var checkAuthPromise = PermAuthorization.authorizeByPermissionMap(new PermPermissionMap({only: eval(scope.hasPermission)}));
                checkAuthPromise.then(function () {
                    scope.isPermitted = true
                }).catch(function () {
                    scope.isPermitted = false

            // Check on every StateChange fired by ui-permission in case the user has gained / lost his previous permissions
            $rootScope.$on('$stateChangePermissionStart', function(event, toState, toParams, options) {

            // The value evaluated by ng-if
            attributes.ngIf = function() {
                return scope.isPermitted

            ngIf.link.apply(ngIf, arguments);

I dont like that the directive depends on a promise to check the permission, this is the only way I could find to make it work with ng-if but Im sure someone can make it cleaner (or event better, provide a function and not a promise to check the permissions).

morteza-gho commented 6 years ago

This is a nagularjs service ↓

globalService.checkHasItem = (mainArray, array) => {

      // mainArray: all roles will be in this array, you get these from server, for example → ['role1', 'role2', 'role3', 'role4', 'role5', 'role6', ...]
      // array: some roles, for example → ['role3', 'role4']

      let hasItem = false;

      // with this ↓ I check if user has role
      array.map((item) => {
         // use this for filters → https://github.com/a8m/angular-filter#contains
         if ($filter('contains')(mainArray, item)) {
            hasItem = true;

      return hasItem;

in generlCtrl.js ↓

$rootScope.checkPerms = (perms) {
      return globalService.checkHasItem(userPerms, perms);

Now in view <button ng-if="checkPerms(['role4'])">just user with 'role4' can click this button</button>