I'm encountering an issue where my card is being declined on Cloudflare, which is preventing me from gaining access to the Vectorizeand R2 features. Specifically, I receive the following error when trying to create a Vectorize index:
vectorize.not_entitled [code: 1005]
I'm really interested in contributing to this project, but without access to these services, it becomes challenging to follow through with the intended use of Cloudflare's tools.
Could you provide any guidance on how I can resolve this billing issue?
Are there any alternative methods for contribution that wouldn't bypass Cloudflare's services, but would allow me to keep progressing?
Additional Info: I've considered using alternative services to replace Vectorize and R2, but that would detract from the goal of working with Cloudflare.
Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.
I'm encountering an issue where my card is being declined on Cloudflare, which is preventing me from gaining access to the Vectorizeand R2 features. Specifically, I receive the following error when trying to create a Vectorize index:
vectorize.not_entitled [code: 1005]
I'm really interested in contributing to this project, but without access to these services, it becomes challenging to follow through with the intended use of Cloudflare's tools.
Additional Info: I've considered using alternative services to replace Vectorize and R2, but that would detract from the goal of working with Cloudflare.
Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated.