RafalWilinski / telegram-chatgpt-concierge-bot

Interact with OpenAI's ChatGPT via Telegram and Voice.
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How can we switch between prompts (a.k.a personalities)? #22

Open pooriaarab opened 1 year ago

pooriaarab commented 1 year ago

For example how can we switch between the prompt based on the personality the user wants to select. I used ChatGPT to whip something up - let me know if it's in the right direction or how I can improve it:

Step 1: Define the personalities

// Add the following code snippet inside your index.ts file

const personalities = [
  { name: 'Family', prompt: 'Conversation prompt for family personality' },
  { name: 'Job Interview', prompt: 'Conversation prompt for job interview personality' },
  { name: 'Friend', prompt: 'Conversation prompt for friend personality' },
  { name: 'Travel', prompt: 'Conversation prompt for travel personality' },

Step 2: Modify the /start command

// Modify the existing /start command handler in your index.ts file

bot.start((ctx) => {
  const personalityButtons = personalities.map((personality) => ({
    text: personality.name,
    callback_data: `personality:${personality.name}`,

  ctx.reply("Welcome to my Telegram bot! Please choose a personality:", {
    reply_markup: {
      inline_keyboard: [personalityButtons],

Step 3: Handle the /personality command

bot.command("personality", (ctx) => {
  const personalityButtons = personalities.map((personality) => ({
    text: personality.name,
    callback_data: `personality:${personality.name}`,

  ctx.reply("Choose a new personality:", {
    reply_markup: {
      inline_keyboard: [personalityButtons],

Step 4: Modify the message handling logic

// Modify the existing message handler in your index.ts file

bot.on("message", async (ctx) => {
  const text = (ctx.message as any).text;
  const selectedPersonality = getUserSelectedPersonality(ctx.message.chat.id);

  let prompt = '';

  if (selectedPersonality) {
    const selectedPersonalityData = personalities.find(
      (personality) => personality.name === selectedPersonality
    prompt = selectedPersonalityData.prompt;

  // Use the selected personality prompt as part of the input to the AI model
  const input = `${prompt} ${text}`;

  // Call the AI model with the updated input
  const response = await model.call(input);

  // Handle the response based on the selected personality or other conditions
  if (selectedPersonality === 'Family') {
    // Handle family personality-specific behavior
    // ...
  } else if (selectedPersonality === 'Job Interview') {
    // Handle job interview personality-specific behavior
    // ...
  } else {
    // Default behavior for other personalities
    // ...

  // Send the response back to the user
  await ctx.reply(response);

Step 5: Implement personality-specific behaviors

// Inside the message handling logic, add conditional statements based on the selected personality

if (selectedPersonality === 'Family') {
  // Handle family personality-specific behavior
  // ...
} else if (selectedPersonality === 'Job Interview') {
  // Handle job interview personality-specific behavior
  // ...
} else {
  // Default behavior for other personalities
  // ...

Step 6: Test and iterate Test your bot and gather user feedback. Based on the feedback, make any necessary adjustments or improvements to the code or behavior of each personality.

Note: You'll need to implement the getUserSelectedPersonality function to retrieve the selected personality for a user from a session or a database.

Please adapt the code to fit your specific implementation, and make sure to handle error cases and edge cases appropriately.