Raffaello / sdl2-vga-terminal

SDL2 VGA Terminal
MIT License
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[azure-pipelines] tests & code coverage #143

Closed Raffaello closed 4 years ago

Raffaello commented 4 years ago


Raffaello commented 4 years ago

this snippet convert from ctest report to cobertura and then can be read from azure-pipelines: https://github.com/cartographer-project/cartographer/blob/master/scripts/ctest_to_junit.py

Cartographer is a system that provides real-time simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) in 2D and 3D across multiple platforms and sensor configurations. - cartographer-project/cartographer
Raffaello commented 4 years ago

(skipping the coverage on azure at the moment)

Raffaello commented 4 years ago

gcovr would work too and also for sonarcloud, but need gcov and not working with llvm....

Raffaello commented 4 years ago

this one could also work: https://github.com/eriwen/lcov-to-cobertura-xml

Converts lcov output to Cobertura-compatible XML for CI - eriwen/lcov-to-cobertura-xml
Raffaello commented 4 years ago

done test coverage in azure pipelines and cobertura report (still missing sonarcloud) https://dev.azure.com/raffaellobertini/sdl2-vga-terminal/_build/results?buildId=1037&view=codecoverage-tab