Rafostar / clapper

Level up your video experience with a modern and user-friendly media player.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add single-window setting (true by default). #325

Closed josch closed 1 year ago

josch commented 1 year ago

By default, opening a second video with clapper will let the first clapper instance play that video while the second process exits.

Setting this to false, will open a new clapper window instead of replacing the video in an already running clapper process.

If dbus interaction is desired (for flatpak or mpris) then opening multiple windows like this will not work.

Closes: #76

josch commented 1 year ago

@sp1ritCS let me reply to your comment https://github.com/Rafostar/clapper/issues/76#issuecomment-1328240667 here to not spam implementation details into the issue.

I'm fine with an environment variable as well. If @Rafostar agrees I'll amend this PR accordingly.

Rafostar commented 1 year ago

If dbus interaction is desired (for flatpak or mpris) then opening multiple windows like this will not work.

Sorry, but for this reason alone, this cannot be accepted here. We cannot have an option that breaks other functionalities or packages.

Once next major code rewrite happens (hopefully will have enough free time during winter holiday to finish it) I plan to remove all current "hacky" package/OS exclusive features in order to have (as much as possible) a single version that works the same everywhere.

As I mentioned in #76, this feature will be added, but those limitations mean I will have to go with multiple windows in single process way. Currently this and many other feature requests are on hold here until this major code refactor happens.

Thank you for contributing to try to make Clapper better through. I appreciate it.

josch commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your input! Then lets close this.