RageAgainstThePixel / com.rest.firebase.storage

A non-official Firebase RESTful Storage Client for Unity (UPM)
MIT License
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Upload, Download, GetDownloadUrlAsync (Image) Example Scene #10

Open mhadji05 opened 9 months ago

mhadji05 commented 9 months ago

Dear friend,

I hope this message finds you well and 1st I want to thank you for the great work. I'm trying to use Firebase storage with REST on Unity but I failed. Can you please Add an example Scene with an example code showing how can upload a photo on Firebase, and how to retrieve it into the Unity image component how can you Get the Download Url?

I saw your Documentation on GitHub but when I add the code in a c# script in Unity there are a lot of errors, so I'm doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance!

StephenHodgson commented 9 months ago

Hi @mhadji05 reach out on my discord and share an example of what you have so far. I'll try to help you troubleshoot what you have.

I'll also look into adding a sample scene as well.


mhadji05 commented 9 months ago

Just copy paste your code.

// Create a firebase authentication client
var firebaseClient = new FirebaseAuthenticationClient();

// Create a firebase storage client
var firebaseStorageClient = new FirebaseStorageClient(firebaseClient);

// Sign the user in
await firebaseClient.SignInWithEmailAndPasswordAsync(email, password);

// Get a reference to the resource using a path.
var resource = firebaseStorageClient.Resource("root/test.json");

var json = "{\"value\":\"42\"}";

string downloadUrl;

using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
    // Upload content to storage
    downloadUrl = await resource.UploadAsync(stream, new Progress<FirebaseStorageProgress>(progress => Debug.Log(progress.Percentage)));

// Get content public download url (doesn't require authentication)
var knownUrl = await resource.GetDownloadUrlAsync();

Assert.IsTrue(downloadUrl == knownUrl);

// Download content
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
var response = await httpClient.GetAsync(knownUrl);
var responseData = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Assert.IsTrue(responseData == json);

// Delete storage content
await resource.DeleteAsync();

If you upload an example scene I will appreciate it a lot.
