Raggaer / castro

High performance content management system for Open Tibia servers
MIT License
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minor changes to shop #84

Closed sundance closed 6 years ago

sundance commented 6 years ago
  1. made castro_shop_categories a bit more organized. 1 entry per cart instead of 1 entry per item
  2. Added charges for items like ssa
  3. fix of broken url
  4. made a somewhat working globalevent for the shop, it works well with points 1&2. However, It doesn't work with containers yet. https://otland.net/threads/castro-aac.238693/page-17#post-2493847
Raggaer commented 6 years ago

Looks good. Should I wait for containers or merge? Its up to you.

Thanks for contributing

sundance commented 6 years ago

containers should only require an update to the globalevent, so a merge should be fine :)