Raghav-B / cctv-crash-detector

Accident detector for traffic CCTVs - Finalist for Singapore Computer Society Splash Awards 2019
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Link to model crash_detection_model.h5 #1

Open ash6899 opened 3 years ago

ash6899 commented 3 years ago

@Raghav-B you are using crash_detection_model.h5 in demo\cctv.py but you have not provided the mega link to this model , can you provide that ? image

Raghav-B commented 3 years ago

Hi! There's a mega link to vehicle_detection_model.h5 near the bottom of the readme, I believe this should be what you are looking for. I forgot to update the name of the model in the cctv.py so they all actually refer to the same weights file.

By the way, I did this project quite early on in my programming journey, so I would change quite a number of things if I were to do it again! For example, I would probably replace RetinaNet with YoloV4 for more real-time object detection performance, and would replace the custom object tracking algorithm I wrote with something industry-standard like DeepSORT.

Let me know if you have any further questions! Would be glad to help :)