RagnarGrootKoerkamp / BAPCtools

Tools for developing ICPC-style programming contest problems.
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Make auto-numbering of `bt generate` consistent with DOMjudge numbering #325

Closed mpsijm closed 9 months ago

mpsijm commented 10 months ago

We should auto-number samples so that DOMjudge's internal numbering is the same as ours (so if there are two samples, 3.in would be the first secret case).

When fixing this, please double-check that samples with leading zeroes are correctly picked up by the PDF. We've had some instances where we a file like 001.interaction is not picked up by the PDF.

mzuenni commented 9 months ago

Do we want to zero-pad the samples like the secret cases or it is sufficient to have secret cases start at |samples|+1? And what is the expected behaviour if there are other folders in /data?

thorehusfeldt commented 9 months ago

For reference: Summer 2023 discussion of test case numbering by bt generate.

thorehusfeldt commented 9 months ago

The only way I can see this work with the current decisions about automatic numbering is to introduce a setting for it, maybe as part of #testgroup/#config in the schema:

      start: 3
      padding: False
        foo: my_generator 344

We’d probably want to invent reserved values for start like start: sibling.

This seems to require a lot of thought to do well. (An altenative is to have a single rule that kicks in exactly if the directory structure is data/secret/list_of_cases and data/sample/list_of_cases and nothing else.

RagnarGrootKoerkamp commented 9 months ago

@thorehusfeldt Currently auto-numbering is implemented as follows:

  1. Collect all auto-numbered cases in generators.yaml.
  2. Sort them lexicographically.
  3. Number them 1 to n.
  4. Left pad all of them with zeros.

So this already works for samples. I think all that's needed is to change the template from

    1: ...
    2: ...


    - '': ...
    - '': ...

This will left pad with zeros, but I think that's OK? (Or would that leak information to contestants who can see their filenames in the UI? I would hope those are not leaked but am not sure.)

thorehusfeldt commented 9 months ago

You’re right—the default setting already provides the solicited functionality!

Maybe this is a non-issue.

mzuenni commented 9 months ago

I want to note a few thinks

  1. This leaks (some) information as the sample.zip contains the file names?
  2. The latex code does not currently find 001.in (but that's easy to fix)
  3. If we decide to ignore 1. and fix 2. we might want to change the example generator.yaml?
RagnarGrootKoerkamp commented 9 months ago

We could also hardcode that samples specifically not padded? That sounds simpler.

  1. Either way samples.zip probably should rename cases to be (zero-padded?) 1 to n.
  2. Hmm fixing the latex does sound a bit annoying though.
  3. Yes we should update the generators.yaml example and/or templates.
mzuenni commented 9 months ago
  1. ok, samples are already renamed (without padding)
  2. and 3. i will take a look
mzuenni commented 9 months ago

It seems like there is not much to do here:

RagnarGrootKoerkamp commented 9 months ago

Thanks for checking :)

I'd say test problems can stay as they are, but updating doc/generators.yaml sgtm.

mzuenni commented 9 months ago

I think changing the generator.yaml in doc is not that easy... it mainly explains what can be done, and right now automatic numbering is the last point but samples are the first point. Therfore, I am not sure what we want here...

RagnarGrootKoerkamp commented 9 months ago

ah fair enough; then nothing left here I suppose, apart from making sure we actually do this next season.