Rahiche / riveo_page_curl

Riveo page curl effect in flutter
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SkSL error: Unknown identifier 'spvInverse' #3

Open kavi6024 opened 8 months ago

kavi6024 commented 8 months ago

So, I've basically cloned the repo and ran it and then I get this exception.

══╡ EXCEPTION CAUGHT BY FLUTTER FRAMEWORK ╞═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
The following _Exception was thrown:
Exception: Invalid SkSL:
// This SkSL shader is autogenerated by spirv-cross.

float4 flutter_FragCoord;

uniform vec2 resolution;
uniform float pointer;
uniform float origin;
uniform vec4 container;
uniform float cornerRadius;
uniform shader image;
uniform half2 image_size;

vec4 fragColor;

vec2 FLT_flutter_local_FlutterFragCoord()
    return flutter_FragCoord.xy;

bool FLT_flutter_local_inRect(vec2 p, vec4 rct)
    bool _96 = p.x > rct.x;
    bool _105;
    if (_96)
        _105 = p.x < rct.z;
        _105 = _96;
    bool _113;
    if (_105)
        _113 = p.y > rct.y;
        _113 = _105;
    bool _122;
    if (_113)
        _122 = p.y < rct.w;
        _122 = _113;
    bool inRct = _122;
    if (!inRct)
        return false;
    bool _137 = p.x < (rct.x + cornerRadius);
    bool _147;
    if (_137)
        _147 = p.y < (rct.y + cornerRadius);
        _147 = _137;
    if (_147)
        return length(p - vec2(rct.x + cornerRadius, rct.y + cornerRadius)) < cornerRadius;
    bool _171 = p.x > (rct.z - cornerRadius);
    bool _181;
    if (_171)
        _181 = p.y < (rct.y + cornerRadius);
        _181 = _171;
    if (_181)
        return length(p - vec2(rct.z - cornerRadius, rct.y + cornerRadius)) < cornerRadius;
    bool _205 = p.x < (rct.x + cornerRadius);
    bool _215;
    if (_205)
        _215 = p.y > (rct.w - cornerRadius);
        _215 = _205;
    if (_215)
        return length(p - vec2(rct.x + cornerRadius, rct.w - cornerRadius)) < cornerRadius;
    bool _239 = p.x > (rct.z - cornerRadius);
    bool _249;
    if (_239)
        _249 = p.y > (rct.w - cornerRadius);
        _249 = _239;
    if (_249)
        return length(p - vec2(rct.z - cornerRadius, rct.w - cornerRadius)) < cornerRadius;
    return true;

mat3 FLT_flutter_local_translate(vec2 p)
    return mat3(vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), vec3(p.x, p.y, 1.0));

mat3 FLT_flutter_local_scale(vec2 s, vec2 p)
    vec2 param = p;
    vec2 param_1 = -p;
    return (FLT_flutter_local_translate(param) * mat3(vec3(s.x, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(0.0, s.y, 0.0),
vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))) * FLT_flutter_local_translate(param_1);

vec2 FLT_flutter_local_project(vec2 p, mat3 m)
    return (spvInverse(m) * vec3(p, 1.0)).xy;

void FLT_main()
    vec2 xy = FLT_flutter_local_FlutterFragCoord();
    vec2 center = resolution * 0.5;
    float dx = origin - pointer;
    float x = container.z - dx;
    float d = xy.x - x;
    if (d > 150.0)
        fragColor = vec4(0.0);
        vec2 param = xy;
        vec4 param_1 = container;
        if (FLT_flutter_local_inRect(param, param_1))
            fragColor.w = mix(0.5, 0.0, (d - 150.0) / 150.0);
        if (d > 0.0)
            float theta = asin(d / 150.0);
            float d1 = theta * 150.0;
            float d2 = (3.1415927410125732421875 - theta) * 150.0;
            vec2 s = vec2(1.0 + ((1.0 - sin(1.57079637050628662109375 + theta)) *
            vec2 param_2 = s;
            vec2 param_3 = center;
            mat3 transform = FLT_flutter_local_scale(param_2, param_3);
            vec2 param_4 = xy;
            mat3 param_5 = transform;
            vec2 uv = FLT_flutter_local_project(param_4, param_5);
            vec2 p1 = vec2(x + d1, uv.y);
            s = vec2(1.10000002384185791015625 + (sin(1.57079637050628662109375 + theta) *
            vec2 param_6 = s;
            vec2 param_7 = center;
            transform = FLT_flutter_local_scale(param_6, param_7);
            vec2 param_8 = xy;
            mat3 param_9 = transform;
            uv = FLT_flutter_local_project(param_8, param_9);
            vec2 p2 = vec2(x + d2, uv.y);
            vec2 param_10 = p2;
            vec4 param_11 = container;
            if (FLT_flutter_local_inRect(param_10, param_11))
                fragColor = image.eval(image_size *  p2 / resolution);
                vec2 param_12 = p1;
                vec4 param_13 = container;
                if (FLT_flutter_local_inRect(param_12, param_13))
                    fragColor = image.eval(image_size *  p1 / resolution);
                    vec4 _422 = fragColor;
                    vec3 _424 = _422.xyz * pow(clamp((150.0 - d) / 150.0, 0.0, 1.0),
                    fragColor.x = _424.x;
                    fragColor.y = _424.y;
                    fragColor.z = _424.z;
                    vec2 param_14 = xy;
                    vec4 param_15 = container;
                    if (FLT_flutter_local_inRect(param_14, param_15))
                        fragColor = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5);
            vec2 s_1 = vec2(1.2000000476837158203125);
            vec2 param_16 = s_1;
            vec2 param_17 = center;
            mat3 transform_1 = FLT_flutter_local_scale(param_16, param_17);
            vec2 param_18 = xy;
            mat3 param_19 = transform_1;
            vec2 uv_1 = FLT_flutter_local_project(param_18, param_19);
            vec2 p_1 = vec2((x + abs(d)) + 471.2388916015625, uv_1.y);
            vec2 param_20 = p_1;
            vec4 param_21 = container;
            if (FLT_flutter_local_inRect(param_20, param_21))
                fragColor = image.eval(image_size *  p_1 / resolution);
                fragColor = image.eval(image_size *  xy / resolution);

half4 main(float2 iFragCoord)
      flutter_FragCoord = float4(iFragCoord, 0, 0);
      return fragColor;

SkSL Error:
error: 128: unknown identifier 'spvInverse'
    return (spvInverse(m) * vec3(p, 1.0)).xy;
1 error

When the exception was thrown, this was the stack:
#0      new FragmentProgram._fromAsset (dart:ui/painting.dart:4453:7)
#1      FragmentProgram.fromAsset.<anonymous closure> (dart:ui/painting.dart:4480:55)
(elided 3 frames from dart:async)

Another exception was thrown: Exception: Invalid SkSL:

And I haven't made any changes to the original .frag file.

Rahiche commented 8 months ago

I'll take a look this weekend, I tried this on iOS, MacOS, Web and Android for what it's worth if you are using another platform I have't tested let me know

DyeghoCunha commented 8 months ago

I had the same Issue, didnt changed a thing, i am trying on Android Studio, android emulator, i am using Windows, dont have any Apple device to try on.... i tested on Web too, and had the same issue

sbis04 commented 8 months ago

Seems like running as a MacOS app is also giving the exact same error (using Flutter stable v3.13.8)

Rahiche commented 8 months ago

Thanks everyone, seems like the new version of flutter does not have support natively for spvInverse I have fixed the issue now, checkout the latest main

sbis04 commented 8 months ago

@Rahiche Amazing man! And thanks for making this project open-sourced!