Rahix / avr-device

Register access crate for AVR microcontrollers
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Replace `gen-intr-lut.sh` hack with `svdtools` solution #60

Closed Rahix closed 3 years ago

Rahix commented 3 years ago

Instead of the fragile sed-magic in gen-intr-lut.sh we can use the svd interrupts command. As we have svdtools as a dependency anyway, this would not hurt and would make the build-system much more robust.

explicite commented 3 years ago

From svd interrupts we have still list only. To be generated rs file. Cannot see any option to move this to rs function.

jpaw@node ~/s/avr-device> svd interrupts svd/atmega1280.svd.patched 
0 RESET: External Pin,Power-on Reset,Brown-out Reset,Watchdog Reset,and JTAG AVR Reset. See Datasheet.      (in CPU)
1 INT0: External Interrupt Request 0 (in CPU)
2 INT1: External Interrupt Request 1 (in CPU)
3 INT2: External Interrupt Request 2 (in CPU)
4 INT3: External Interrupt Request 3 (in CPU)
5 INT4: External Interrupt Request 4 (in CPU)
6 INT5: External Interrupt Request 5 (in CPU)
7 INT6: External Interrupt Request 6 (in CPU)
8 INT7: External Interrupt Request 7 (in CPU)
9 PCINT0: Pin Change Interrupt Request 0 (in CPU)
10 PCINT1: Pin Change Interrupt Request 1 (in CPU)
11 PCINT2: Pin Change Interrupt Request 2 (in CPU)
12 WDT: Watchdog Time-out Interrupt (in CPU)
13 TIMER2_COMPA: Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A (in CPU)
14 TIMER2_COMPB: Timer/Counter2 Compare Match B (in CPU)
15 TIMER2_OVF: Timer/Counter2 Overflow (in CPU)
16 TIMER1_CAPT: Timer/Counter1 Capture Event (in CPU)
17 TIMER1_COMPA: Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A (in CPU)
18 TIMER1_COMPB: Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B (in CPU)
19 TIMER1_COMPC: Timer/Counter1 Compare Match C (in CPU)
20 TIMER1_OVF: Timer/Counter1 Overflow (in CPU)
21 TIMER0_COMPA: Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A (in CPU)
22 TIMER0_COMPB: Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B (in CPU)
23 TIMER0_OVF: Timer/Counter0 Overflow (in CPU)
24 SPI_STC: SPI Serial Transfer Complete (in CPU)
25 USART0_RX: USART0, Rx Complete (in CPU)
26 USART0_UDRE: USART0 Data register Empty (in CPU)
27 USART0_TX: USART0, Tx Complete (in CPU)
28 ANALOG_COMP: Analog Comparator (in CPU)
29 ADC: ADC Conversion Complete (in CPU)
30 EE_READY: EEPROM Ready (in CPU)
31 TIMER3_CAPT: Timer/Counter3 Capture Event (in CPU)
32 TIMER3_COMPA: Timer/Counter3 Compare Match A (in CPU)
33 TIMER3_COMPB: Timer/Counter3 Compare Match B (in CPU)
34 TIMER3_COMPC: Timer/Counter3 Compare Match C (in CPU)
35 TIMER3_OVF: Timer/Counter3 Overflow (in CPU)
36 USART1_RX: USART1, Rx Complete (in CPU)
37 USART1_UDRE: USART1 Data register Empty (in CPU)
38 USART1_TX: USART1, Tx Complete (in CPU)
39 TWI: 2-wire Serial Interface (in CPU)
40 SPM_READY: Store Program Memory Read (in CPU)
41 TIMER4_CAPT: Timer/Counter4 Capture Event (in CPU)
42 TIMER4_COMPA: Timer/Counter4 Compare Match A (in CPU)
43 TIMER4_COMPB: Timer/Counter4 Compare Match B (in CPU)
44 TIMER4_COMPC: Timer/Counter4 Compare Match C (in CPU)
45 TIMER4_OVF: Timer/Counter4 Overflow (in CPU)
46 TIMER5_CAPT: Timer/Counter5 Capture Event (in CPU)
47 TIMER5_COMPA: Timer/Counter5 Compare Match A (in CPU)
48 TIMER5_COMPB: Timer/Counter5 Compare Match B (in CPU)
49 TIMER5_COMPC: Timer/Counter5 Compare Match C (in CPU)
50 TIMER5_OVF: Timer/Counter5 Overflow (in CPU)
51 USART2_RX: USART2, Rx Complete (in CPU)
52 USART2_UDRE: USART2 Data register Empty (in CPU)
53 USART2_TX: USART2, Tx Complete (in CPU)
54 USART3_RX: USART3, Rx Complete (in CPU)
55 USART3_UDRE: USART3 Data register Empty (in CPU)
56 USART3_TX: USART3, Tx Complete (in CPU)

From legacy we have full fun created

jpaw@node ~/s/avr-device> ./gen-intr-lut.sh src/devices/atmega1280/interrupt.rs
// Autogenerated.  Do not edit.
pub fn lookup_vector(chip: &str, intr: &str) -> Option<usize> {
    match chip {
        "atmega1280" => match intr {
            "RESET" => Some(0),
            "INT0" => Some(1),
            "INT1" => Some(2),
            "INT2" => Some(3),
            "INT3" => Some(4),
            "INT4" => Some(5),
            "INT5" => Some(6),
            "INT6" => Some(7),
            "INT7" => Some(8),
            "PCINT0" => Some(9),
            "PCINT1" => Some(10),
            "PCINT2" => Some(11),
            "WDT" => Some(12),
            "TIMER2_COMPA" => Some(13),
            "TIMER2_COMPB" => Some(14),
            "TIMER2_OVF" => Some(15),
            "TIMER1_CAPT" => Some(16),
            "TIMER1_COMPA" => Some(17),
            "TIMER1_COMPB" => Some(18),
            "TIMER1_COMPC" => Some(19),
            "TIMER1_OVF" => Some(20),
            "TIMER0_COMPA" => Some(21),
            "TIMER0_COMPB" => Some(22),
            "TIMER0_OVF" => Some(23),
            "SPI_STC" => Some(24),
            "USART0_RX" => Some(25),
            "USART0_UDRE" => Some(26),
            "USART0_TX" => Some(27),
            "ANALOG_COMP" => Some(28),
            "ADC" => Some(29),
            "EE_READY" => Some(30),
            "TIMER3_CAPT" => Some(31),
            "TIMER3_COMPA" => Some(32),
            "TIMER3_COMPB" => Some(33),
            "TIMER3_COMPC" => Some(34),
            "TIMER3_OVF" => Some(35),
            "USART1_RX" => Some(36),
            "USART1_UDRE" => Some(37),
            "USART1_TX" => Some(38),
            "TWI" => Some(39),
            "SPM_READY" => Some(40),
            "TIMER4_CAPT" => Some(41),
            "TIMER4_COMPA" => Some(42),
            "TIMER4_COMPB" => Some(43),
            "TIMER4_COMPC" => Some(44),
            "TIMER4_OVF" => Some(45),
            "TIMER5_CAPT" => Some(46),
            "TIMER5_COMPA" => Some(47),
            "TIMER5_COMPB" => Some(48),
            "TIMER5_COMPC" => Some(49),
            "TIMER5_OVF" => Some(50),
            "USART2_RX" => Some(51),
            "USART2_UDRE" => Some(52),
            "USART2_TX" => Some(53),
            "USART3_RX" => Some(54),
            "USART3_UDRE" => Some(55),
            "USART3_TX" => Some(56),
            _ => None,
        _ => None,

In old approach we are reading from pre-generated interrupts.rs. In new approach we should read from patched svd and then parse output to be compliant. Looks like gen-intr-lut.sh will still be there and we need to only change seed two liner with some logic.

Rahix commented 3 years ago

The difference is that parsing the output from svd interrupts is much more robust than parsing the generated interrupts.rs file whose format can change at anytime.

Of course, we still have to generate the same lookup_vector() function from the svd interrupts output as we currently do.