Rahix / shared-bus

Crate for sharing buses between multiple devices
Apache License 2.0
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Compile errors platforms without `critical-section` support (was: Support Arduino?) #31

Closed Laura7089 closed 2 years ago

Laura7089 commented 2 years ago

I'm using arduino-hal and shared-bus to manage two devices on the same i2c bus. Is this supported? Am I doing something wrong? When compiling I get:

   Compiling critical-section v0.2.5
error: Critical section is not implemented for this target. Make sure you've specified the correct --target. You may need to supply a custom critical section implementation with the `custom-impl` feature
   --> /home/laura/.cargo/registry/src/github.com-1ecc6299db9ec823/critical-section-0.2.5/src/lib.rs:149:9
149 | ...   compile_error!("Critical section is not implemented for this target. Make sure you've specified the correct --target. You may need to supply a custom critical section implementation with the `custom-impl` feature");
    |       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

error: aborting due to previous error

error: could not compile `critical-section`
Laura7089 commented 2 years ago

Note: I'm compiling against the avr-atmega328p target for the nano, and using nightly 2020-12-22 as in the avr-hal template repo.

Rahix commented 2 years ago


before diving into the actual issue here, just a quick question:

and using nightly 2020-12-22 as in the avr-hal template repo.

I am curious what template you're referring to here? The template I know of is https://github.com/Rahix/avr-hal-template which specifies nightly 2021-01-07...

Okay, now regarding the real problem: The compiler error you are encountering is an unfortunate side-effect of the usage of the critical-section crate since the last release... For your use-case, you most likely do not care about any of the code using this dependency (just relevant for RTIC use). So if it just wasn't there or was feature-gated, you could at least use the BusManagerSimple without any problems.

There are three solutions to this:

  1. Gate the relevant code for architectures which are not yet supported by critical-section. This would at least restore functionality of the rest and would not be a breaking change in my eyes.
  2. Add support for AVR in critical-section. This is of course the long-term plan but the problem would remain for all other unsupported architectures... I am also not a fan of adding an experimental architecture to critical-section just yet when it does not even compile with current compilers...
  3. Add a feature-flag for the offending AtomicCheckMutex so it becomes opt-in. This would probably be the cleanest change but it would entail a breaking change and thus a big version bump.

I am personally favoring version 3 as it will prevent any headaches with other architectures in the future...

That said, there is a 4th solution just for you if you need it working quickly: If you pin your dependency to an older version with

shared-bus = "=0.2.2"

it should hopefully also just work for the time being...

Laura7089 commented 2 years ago

Wow, thanks for the detailed response! The rust version mismatch is my mistake.

I've played about with critical-selection's custom-impl, and this project. I couldn't get the necessary AVR ASM to compile to set the status register flag we'd need to turn off interrupts.

I agree with the preference for 1 or 3 - as regards 2, what is the current stability of AVR in rustc and where can I track that?

Rahix commented 2 years ago

I couldn't get the necessary AVR ASM to compile to set the status register flag we'd need to turn off interrupts.

If you are still curious, you can take a look at the relevant code in avr-device: https://github.com/Rahix/avr-device/blob/main/src/interrupt.rs

what is the current stability of AVR in rustc and where can I track that?

Hard to tell for me as well... The O-AVR label in the rust repo maybe gives a bit of an indication of where the problems are. A lot has happened in LLVM upstream already but has not yet trickled down into rustc.

The biggest issue is probably https://github.com/rust-lang/compiler-builtins/issues/400 which is still being worked on in LLVM: https://reviews.llvm.org/D114611 Everyone is waiting on that to land as this is what is preventing newer nightly compilers from working...

With the nightly-2021-01-07 compiler that most people are using right now, you can roughly expect the following:

There might be more which I have forgotten about...

Bottom line is this, I guess: If you need things to work, are on a schedule, and/or your application is rather complex, AVR microcontrollers are not the best choice with Rust right now. For just playing around with an Arduino a bit it is fine, but I wouldn't attempt any large and complex projects with it yet...

Laura7089 commented 2 years ago

Again, thanks for the detailed reply. It's a shame about the compatibility issues; I guess I'll just have to keep an eye on it.

Rahix commented 2 years ago

With release 0.2.4 this should at least be fixed to the point where shared-bus can be used in single-threaded mode on AVR again.