Dear all,
thanks to #45 I was able to install DECoN on my machine and I also tried the tool in two different runs.
I created a conda enviroment with the correct R version and all the packages required.
The problem is when I close the enviroment and I log off from the machine.
When I log in again in the machine and I activate the enviroment, the tool ask me to install all the dependencies again.
I think it is a renv problem but I am not understanding what is the problem.
Could someone help me?
Dear all, thanks to #45 I was able to install DECoN on my machine and I also tried the tool in two different runs. I created a conda enviroment with the correct R version and all the packages required. The problem is when I close the enviroment and I log off from the machine. When I log in again in the machine and I activate the enviroment, the tool ask me to install all the dependencies again. I think it is a renv problem but I am not understanding what is the problem. Could someone help me?
Thanks in advance,