RaiMan / SikuliX-2014

SikuliX version 1.1.2 (until February 2018)
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Compile libVisionProxy for Windows #228

Closed javierav closed 7 years ago

javierav commented 7 years ago


I made changes in Libslux/src/main/resources/srcnativelibs/Vision/tessocr.cpp file in order to fix an issue with the OCR. After that, I compiled the libVisionProxy.so for Linux using runBuild file, but I don't know how to build the equivalent version for Windows. Also I don't found more info in any documentation file. How can I do it?


RaiMan commented 7 years ago

Could you tell me more about why and what you fixed - just interested about ;-)

build the equivalent version for Windows

For this I would have to dig down into my dark past (never did this again since 2013 ;-) with the risk, that I do not find anything about that anymore :-(

My approach in 2013:

As I remember, especially the Tesseract sources did not compile without errors, that needed some minor adjustments - but this might be not the case today.

With version 1.1.x I will not touch the native C++ code anymore.

With version 2 it is obsolete anyways, since I will use only ready-to-use packages on the Java level (OpenCV and Tess4J).

So simply: I cannot really help you in the details, since I cannot afford the effort to start allover again with this currently and until towards end of this year.

In the case, I find something helpful the next days, I will tell you.