RaiMan / SikuliX-2014

SikuliX version 1.1.2 (until February 2018)
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Alternatives to SikuliX #263

Closed kenorb closed 6 years ago

kenorb commented 7 years ago

I'd like to know if there are any similar projects to SikuliX (especially which can work with Python). I like SikuliX, but I'd like to know if there are any similar projects, so I can compare them in terms of features. I'm aware of next version: SikuliX2 which is still in the development.

Do you know any? Thank you in advance.

RaiMan commented 7 years ago

There are some commercial products. ... but I do not know any other free projects. Only those, that wrap SikuliX somehow.

tobimensch commented 6 years ago


I also want a solution like SikuliX that will work with python and/or other scripting languages.

In fact the only part of SikuliX I need is the GUI detection.

I would like to feed it with a screenshot and a get a tree of text/buttons/icons/tooltips/images with the position on the screen (x,y,w,h) in return.

Clicking can easily be done with xdotool and the like.

kenorb commented 6 years ago

Yep, it seems there is no good alternatives at the moment.

I'm going to close this issue in favor of the threads below.

So as for the follow-up, please check the following posts which have further tool recommendations: