RaiMan / SikuliX-2014

SikuliX version 1.1.2 (until February 2018)
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Getting “cannot load Java class org.sikuli.script.Keys” while trying to run cucumber test using sikulix #271

Closed EugeneMarrow closed 6 years ago

EugeneMarrow commented 7 years ago

Hi. I'm trying to set up testing environment using sikuli+jruby+cucumber. So I've installed latest JDK, Sikulix 1.1.1 , and latest JRuby, set up the cucumber test inspired by https://github.com/fozzie63/sikuli-jruby-cucumber and when i'm trying to run test i get the following exception:

sikulitest EugeneMarrow$ cucumber 
missing class or uppercase package name (`org.sikuli.script.Keys'), caused by (NameError) cannot load Java class org.sikuli.script.Keys (NameError)

I've tried to:

Hope somebody could help me. Regards, Eugene

RaiMan commented 6 years ago

Since in the sources of SikuliX do not contain any reference to a class


the problem must be in your sources

Before stepping into more complex scenarios, just make a basic functional test.

RaiMan commented 6 years ago
