RaiMan / SikuliX-2014

SikuliX version 1.1.2 (until February 2018)
805 stars 235 forks source link

Install sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar failed, due to libVisionproxy.so finally not useable #281

Closed kenzhaoyihui closed 6 years ago

kenzhaoyihui commented 6 years ago

OS: Fedora 26 sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_131"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-b12)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b12, mixed mode)
$ java -jar sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar 
[info] runcmd: lsb_release -i -r -s 
[debug] RunTimeINIT: global init: entering as: SETUP
[debug] RunTimeINIT: ScreenDevice 0 has (0,0) --- will be primary Screen(0)
[debug] RunTimeINIT: Monitor 0: (0, 0) 1920 x 1080
[debug] RunTimeINIT: runs as sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar in: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1
***** show environment for SETUP (build 201703291041)
user.home: /home/yzhao_sherry
user.dir (work dir): /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1
user.name: yzhao_sherry
java.io.tmpdir: /tmp
running 64Bit on Linux (0 Fedora 26) from a jar
java 8-64 version 1.8.0_131-b12 vm 25.131-b12 class 52.0 arch amd64
app data folder: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix
libs folder: null
executing jar: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar
*** classpath dump sikulix
  0: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar
*** classpath dump end
***** show environment end
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: global init: leaving
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: initAPI: entering
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: resourceList: enter
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: resourceLocation: (class org.sikuli.setup.RunSetup) /Lib/sikuli
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: resourceList: having jar: jar:file:/home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar!/Lib/sikuli
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: files exported: 7 from: Lib/sikuli to:
[debug] RunTimeSETUP: initAPI: leaving
[debug] FileManager: download to string from:
[debug] RunSetup: getMavenJar: sikulixsetupIDE-1.1.1-20170329.232057-141-forsetup.jar
[debug] FileManager: download to string from:
[debug] RunSetup: getMavenJar: sikulixsetupAPI-1.1.1-20170329.231900-143-forsetup.jar
[debug] FileManager: download to string from:
[debug] RunSetup: getMavenJar: sikulixlibsmac-1.1.1-20170329.230802-154.jar
[debug] FileManager: download to string from:
[debug] RunSetup: getMavenJar: sikulixlibswin-1.1.1-20170329.230420-154.jar
[debug] FileManager: download to string from:
[debug] RunSetup: getMavenJar: sikulixlibslux-1.1.1-20170412.113406-155.jar
[debug] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
You are about to run a setup for 1.1.1 (201703291041)
You should have a suitable backup, 
to go back in case to what you have now.
Click NO to stop here
[debug] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
You are about to run a setup for 1.1.1 (201703291041)
You should have a suitable backup, 
to go back in case to what you have now.
Click NO to stop here
[debug] RunSetup: command line options:
[debug] RunSetup: 
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: exists libs folder at: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/SikulixLibs_201703291041
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] FileManager: resetFolder:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: workDir:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: workDirDownloads:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: downloadsGeneric:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: downloadsGenericApp:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: python
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: tess
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: python25
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: api
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: ide
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: rubyaddons
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: win
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: mac
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: found: lux:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: checkDownloads: not found: ruby
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: ... starting with no args given
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: LinuxDistro: 0 Fedora 26 (64-Bit)
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: Setup: 1.1.1 2017-03-29_10:41 in folder:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: RunningSystem: Linux 4.11.9-300.fc26.x86_64 (0 Fedora 26)
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: parent of jar/classes: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: RunningJava: Java 8 (amd64) 1.8.0_131-b12
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:32 PM)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
The following file(s) will be downloaded to
--- Native support libraries for Linux (sikulixlibs...)
--- Package 1 ---
sikulixsetupIDE-1.1.1-20170329.232057-141-forsetup.jar (IDE/Scripting)
sikulixsetupAPI-1.1.1-20170329.231900-143-forsetup.jar (Java API)
 - with Jython
Only click NO, if you want to terminate setup now!
Click YES even if you want to use local copies in Downloads!
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:33 PM)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
You have for Linux native libs
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to ignore it and download a fresh copy
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: Copied from Downloads: sikulixlibslux
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: checking usability of bundled, provided or built libs
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: libVisionproxy.so finally not useable
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: Giving up!
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: ... terminated abnormally :-(
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: 
popError: --------------------
Something serious happened! Sikuli not useable!
Check the error log at /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/SikuliX-1.1.1-SetupLog.txt


[yzhao_sherry@localhost sikulix1]$ cat SikuliX-1.1.1-SetupLog.txt 
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] Debug: setLogFile: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/SikuliX-1.1.1-SetupLog.txt
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: ... starting with no args given
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: LinuxDistro: 0 Fedora 26 (64-Bit)
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: Setup: 1.1.1 2017-03-29_10:41 in folder:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: RunningSystem: Linux 4.11.9-300.fc26.x86_64 (0 Fedora 26)
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: parent of jar/classes: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] RunSetup: RunningJava: Java 8 (amd64) 1.8.0_131-b12
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:29 PM)] init user preferences
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:32 PM)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
The following file(s) will be downloaded to
--- Native support libraries for Linux (sikulixlibs...)
--- Package 1 ---
sikulixsetupIDE-1.1.1-20170329.232057-141-forsetup.jar (IDE/Scripting)
sikulixsetupAPI-1.1.1-20170329.231900-143-forsetup.jar (Java API)
 - with Jython
Only click NO, if you want to terminate setup now!
Click YES even if you want to use local copies in Downloads!
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:33 PM)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
You have for Linux native libs
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to ignore it and download a fresh copy
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:34 PM)] FileManager: download to string from:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:35 PM)] RunSetup: getMavenJar: sikulixlibslux-1.1.1-20170412.113406-155.jar
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:36 PM)] FileManager: Downloading sikulixlibslux-1.1.1-20170412.113406-155.jar having 1287 KB
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:38 PM)] FileManager: downloaded 1287 KB to:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:38 PM)] FileManager: download time: 2
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: Copied from Downloads: sikulixlibslux
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: addToClasspath:
*** classpath dump sikulix
  0: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/sikulixsetup-1.1.1.jar
  1: /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/sikulixlibslux.jar
*** classpath dump end
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: checking usability of bundled, provided or built libs
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: exists libs folder at: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/SikulixLibs_201703291041
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: loadLib: libVisionProxy.so not usable: 
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/SikulixLibs_201703291041/libVisionProxy.so: libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: loadLib: libVisionProxy.so not usable: 
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/SikulixLibs_201703291041/libVisionProxy.so: libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: we have to build libVisionProxy.so
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: checking: availability of OpenCV and Tesseract
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: checking: scanning loader cache (ldconfig -p)
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: ldconfig -p 
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: checking: found OpenCV libs:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: checking: found Tesseract lib:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: buildVision: starting inline build: libVisionProxy.so
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: buildVision: java.home from java props: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: buildVision: JAVA_HOME from environment: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: buildVision: JDK: found at: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: resourceList: enter
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: resourceLocation: (class org.sikuli.setup.RunSetup) /srcnativelibs/Vision
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: resourceList: having jar: jar:file:/home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/sikulixlibslux.jar!/srcnativelibs/Vision
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: files exported: 16 from: /srcnativelibs/Vision to:
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: **** content of build script:
(stored at: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild)

# ---- internal - do not change
# ---- internal -





rm -R -f $build
mkdir $build

rm -R -f $stuff
mkdir $stuff

if [ "$extrainclude" != "" ]; then
  includeplus="-I$extrainclude "
includefinal="-I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include $includeplus "

echo ----------- COMPILING
for mod in cvgui.cpp finder.cpp pyramid-template-matcher.cpp sikuli-debug.cpp \
  tessocr.cpp vision.cpp visionJAVA_wrap.cxx
  echo ----- $mod
  g++ -c -O3 -fPIC -MMD -MP \
    -I$jdkdir/include \
    -I$jdkdir/include/linux  \
    $includefinal \
    -MF $stuff/$mod.o.d \
    -o $stuff/$mod.o \
  mods="$mods $stuff/$mod.o "

echo ----------- LINKING
g++ -shared -s -fPIC -dynamic $mods \
  $opencvcore \
  $opencvimgproc \
  $opencvhighgui \
  $tesseractlib \
  -o $build/libVisionProxy.so

**** content end
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: buildVision: running build script
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild 
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] LinuxSupport: buildVision: build script returns error:
----------- COMPILING
----- cvgui.cpp
----- finder.cpp
----- pyramid-template-matcher.cpp
----- sikuli-debug.cpp
----- tessocr.cpp
----- vision.cpp
----- visionJAVA_wrap.cxx
----------- LINKING
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 46: g++: command not found
/home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/sikulixlibs/linux/runBuild: line 57: g++: command not found

[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: Problematic lib: /home/yzhao_sherry/.Sikulix/SikulixLibs_201703291041/libVisionProxy.so (...TEMP...)
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: libVisionProxy.so loaded, but it might be a problem with needed dependent libraries
ERROR: ...TEMP...: libopencv_core.so.2.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: libVisionproxy.so finally not useable
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: Giving up!
[error (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: ... terminated abnormally :-(
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:41 PM)] RunSetup: 
popError: --------------------
Something serious happened! Sikuli not useable!
Check the error log at /home/yzhao_sherry/work/sikulix1/SikuliX-1.1.1-SetupLog.txt
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:48 PM)] RunTimeSETUP: final cleanup
[debug (9/6/17 6:27:48 PM)] FileManager: deleteFileOrFolder:

Who can help to check the issue? Thanks in advance!

RaiMan commented 6 years ago

SikuliX 1.1.x cannot be used with OpenCV 3+, it needs a 2.4 lib version.