RaidMax / IW4M-Admin

Complete administration tool for IW4x, Pluto T6, Pluto IW5, Pluto T5, Pluto T4, H1-Mod, CoD4x, IW6x, TeknoMW3, and most Call of Duty® dedicated servers.
MIT License
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IW4Login - Easy centralized login system #259

Open vdawg-git opened 2 years ago

vdawg-git commented 2 years ago


A proposal for an easy centralized IW4 login solution making user management nice and simple.

General idea

There will be one website where a user can login with Google and he will be signed in to all servers, using this to be developed feature of IW4Admin, by having his IP address saved. In this way the login is decoupled from IW4Admin and easy to adopt. Resulting in cheaters having a harder time evading bans and players profiting by keeping their stats and permissions across machines and installs.

The website

A simple site explaining its purpose with a login button. If the user is logged in, just display his logged in email and his IP-addresses. Also, if his IP is new, display a button to add his new IP-address.

In Game

When a user joins a server, it queries IW4Login to see if the users IP address is logged in, if not do what the server owner configured or use the default action. For example: Displaying a notification, moving him to spectator and kicking him after five minutes if he is still not logged in.

The preparation

To prevent a sudden decline in player count, the requirement to login should be announced beforehand, preferably when a user joins the server, he will get notified about it. The notification should include the link to IW4Login, which will already allow users to login, even if the feature is not in production yet or enabled.

Server owners can enable the feature before it reaches production with a simple toggle on the IW4Admin dashboard, while getting notified about it with a notification banner for it. This should increase server participation substantially.

The launch of the feature should be synced to prevent players from simply switching to other servers, which have not enabled it yet, by having it enabled on most servers.

Example timeline


GaryCraft commented 1 year ago

This could be better implemented as an oauth2 login flow, which could also use a generalized default system, and this would require a registration for each IW4M-Admin instance to the OAuth2 Provider, which could be facilitated, and also make every instance quite more secure, just by the logic of the standard, so no abuse can be done, account details are secured and so on...

More so, this would enable using any other already OAuth2-compatible services, maybe like GitHub, Google, and many many more to login.

or something like it... maybe?

vdawg-git commented 5 months ago

Sorry for the late reply. I am not really gaming anymore, but I still like the idea of making private CoD more playable.

Yes, OAuth2 would be awesome.