RaidMax / IW4M-Admin

Complete administration tool for IW4x, Pluto T6, Pluto IW5, Pluto T5, Pluto T4, H1-Mod, CoD4x, IW6x, TeknoMW3, and most Call of Duty® dedicated servers.
MIT License
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Mute Banner for Profile & Prevent Self-Target & Correctly Expire Early Unmutes #272

Closed Ayymoss closed 2 years ago

Ayymoss commented 2 years ago

Add a temp/mute banner to their profile. (Priority lowered so as not to overwrite temp/ban banners) Let the user know they cannot target themselves. Displays mute expiration on penalty if unmuted early. Added condition to prevent expiration unmute spam.

COMMANDS_DENY_SELF_TARGET = You cannot target yourself

WEBFRONT_PROFILE_MUTE_INFO = Temporarily muted for {{reason}} with {{time}} remaining
WEBFRONT_PROFILE_TEMPMUTE_INFO = Permanently muted for {{reason}}