RaiderIO / raiderio-addon

RaiderIO AddOn
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Tooltips conflicting with MyRolePlay #144

Closed Katoriehooves closed 3 years ago

Katoriehooves commented 3 years ago

When running this add-on alongside the MyRolePlay addon, tooltip lines do not word wrap properly in the MRP text (especially the Currently and OOC fields). Also, when holding modifier keys (which displays Raider.IO info) the tooltip does not change back to MRP upon release of the key. Disabling corrects the issue.

Vladinator commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report. I will download MyRolePlay and test it out and see how it behaves when combined with RIO. Looking at the code I didn't see anything that would break, so I am curious if it might also be something else interfering. I will test and see how it goes on my end.

Katoriehooves commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply. In case you've never used the addon before, you'd need to go into the MRP editor (in the character panel) and add text long enough to the "currently" and "ooc" fields for it to need to wrap the text in the tooltip. (Hope this helps maybe). Also this happens with no other addons except these two loaded.

Vladinator commented 3 years ago

Ok I think I got the hang of it. I added some text in both fields and tested to see how the addon works on its own:


I tested by enabling RIO then hacking a bit to make my level 1 use my main profile on RIO, but my level 1 profile from MyRolePlay so both addons would try to show data on the same tooltip.

I can confirm that yes RIO will SetUnit and discard any changes MyRolePlay has made to the tooltip:


Quickly looking over code I can see one improvement that might be a benefit for MyRolePlay in terms of compatibility with other addons that might fight over updating the tooltip. RIO uses the GameTooltip:SetUnit() method to re-apply the unit and trigger the OnTooltipSetUnit handler on the GameTooltip widget to handle the updating process.

I attempted to make a draft solution, at least potential solution, I am not sure exactly how the entire addon hangs together, I only looked at the UI_Tooltip.lua file and worked on that one to see if I could resolve the compatibility issue. I assume it might conflict with other tooltip addons that rely on the method handler to know when to alter the tooltip, so it's worth to look into I believe.

This is what I changed in the file in this test:


--tooltipFrame:SetScript( "OnEvent", mrp_MouseoverEvent ) -- the old handler to update the tooltip


tooltip.mrpNumLines = nil; -- CommonTooltip_ResetToUnit(tooltip, unit); -- not sure what mrpNumLines is used for but I added this here since it was the only part in the ResetToUnit that is probably required for this process

Added on the bottom:

GameTooltip:HookScript("OnTooltipSetUnit", function(self)
    if not mrpSaved.Options.Enabled then
    local _, unit = self:GetUnit()
    if not unit then
    if UnitIsUnit( "player", unit ) then
        mrp:UpdateTooltip( UnitName("player"), "player" )
    elseif UnitIsPlayer(unit) then
        msp:Request( mrp:UnitNameWithRealm(unit), {'TT', 'PE'} )
        mrp:UpdateTooltip( mrp:UnitNameWithRealm(unit), unit )
        mrp.TTShown = nil

This just replaced the original "when to update" behavior to use the handler instead. The good news is that it did not crash or break, at least to my knowledge. Good news it that it seems to have resolved the compatibility issue:


The bad news is that I don't know how this affects the addon, maybe the anchoring logic or something, since I don't account for calling any anchoring functions and such, but both parts of the tooltip get put on there so that's a nice improvement. I can recommend to show this to Meorawr I know he lurks on Discord in the wowuidev server so I can assist on there more directly.