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Installing rvm on Nitrous.io #42

Closed railspadawan closed 9 years ago

railspadawan commented 9 years ago

Hello Daniel, i have followed the 3 steps to install rvm on Nitrous: 1) Uninstall chruby 2) $ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --auto-dotfiles --ruby 3) source /home/action/.rvm/scripts/rvm I get the error message "-bash: /home/action/.rvm/scripts/rvm: No such file or directory" I checked home/action/.rvm and the directory scripts is not present.

Could you help me here? shalini

railspadawan commented 9 years ago

Hello Daniel, It wasn't working as the gpg signature verification had failed. I downloaded the signatures and voila! it works now. I'm closing this issue.

DanielKehoe commented 9 years ago

Glad you were able to resolve the issue and thanks for reporting it in case others encounter it.

railspadawan commented 9 years ago

Hello Daniel, Glad to help. The steps I followed to resolve the issue on Nitrous are : 1) gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys D39DC0E3 This Installs gpg signatures. rvm has started enforcing GPG signing about 3-4 days back (https://github.com/wayneeseguin/rvm/issues/3110). Looks like a necessary step from now for all new rvm installations. Steps 2 & 3 are unique to Nitrous.io and are a result of error messages during the rvm install. 2) unset GEM_HOME 3) added source ~/.profile to .bash_profile followed by the rvm install steps 4) $ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --auto-dotfiles --ruby 5) source /home/action/.rvm/scripts/rvm

cheers, shalini

dephora commented 9 years ago

Can you please elaborate on your solution? I got RVM installed but I'm failing at step 5, it's very possible I didn't do step 2 or 3 right though.

DanielKehoe commented 9 years ago

Just a note to remind everyone that If you have trouble installing Ruby with RVM, you can get help directly from the RVM team using the IRC (Internet Relay Chat) channel #rvm on irc.freenode.net:


If you’ve never used IRC, it’s worthwhile to figure out how to use IRC because the RVM team is helpful and friendly. IRC on freenode requires registration (see how to register: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:IRC/Tutorial#Nickname_registration).

dephora commented 9 years ago

Thanks Daniel, Ill hop on there and hopefully get this figured out. I haven't been on IRC since the 90s!

mpapis commented 9 years ago

@DanielKehoe the installation instructions changed a bit, there is a pre step => https://rvm.io/rvm/install:

gpg --keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys D39DC0E3
dephora commented 9 years ago

The solution provided by railspadawan worked. I was "unsetting" gem_home in the wrong file. (step 2)

Saramoshggoo commented 9 years ago

Hi daniel Could you tell me the command code for part 3? Thanks Sara