RailsApps / learn-rails

An example Rails 5.1 app to accompany the "Learn Ruby on Rails" book.
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NameError at / uninitialized constant Sprockets::SassCacheStore _app_views_layouts_application_html_erb___ #75

Closed berlingizmo closed 8 years ago

berlingizmo commented 8 years ago

After initiating the command rails g layout:install --force command, I received the above mentioned error while trying to reload the page.

berlingizmo commented 8 years ago

I was following a tutorial from 2013

DanielKehoe commented 8 years ago

Which tutorial from 2013? I believe the command syntax has changed since then. Tell me the tutorial and I'll tell you if there is an updated version.

See the README page at https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_layout for the correct syntax.

And you can submit an issue if necessary at https://github.com/RailsApps/rails_layout/issues

If you've got an outdated version of the Learn Ruby on Rails book, you really should get the newest version of the book.