RailsApps / rails-composer

Rails Composer. The Rails generator on steroids for starter apps.
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FactoryGirl error #100

Closed krschacht closed 10 years ago

krschacht commented 11 years ago

I opted to build my own application, I selected all my options and FactoryGirl was not one of them, but right after the app was created I tried running rspec and it failed because it was making calls to FactoryGirl.

I didn't care for it, but I redid the creation and said Yes to factorygirl the second time and everything worked.

Here were my choices so you can reproduce this:

  recipe  Running railsapps recipe...
question  Install an example application?
      1)  I want to build my own application
      2)  membership/subscription/saas
      3)  rails-prelaunch-signup
      4)  rails3-bootstrap-devise-cancan
      5)  rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber
      6)  rails3-mongoid-devise
      7)  rails3-mongoid-omniauth
      8)  rails3-subdomains

railsapps Enter your selection: 1 recipe Running setup recipe... setup Your operating system is darwin12.0.0. setup You are using Ruby version 1.9.3. setup You are using Rails version 3.2.13. question Web server for development? 1) WEBrick (default) 2) Thin 3) Unicorn 4) Puma setup Enter your selection: 1 question Web server for production? 1) Same as development 2) Thin 3) Unicorn 4) Puma setup Enter your selection: 1 question Database used in development? 1) SQLite 2) PostgreSQL 3) MySQL 4) MongoDB setup Enter your selection: 3 question Template engine? 1) ERB 2) Haml 3) Slim (experimental) setup Enter your selection: 1 question Unit testing? 1) Test::Unit 2) RSpec 3) MiniTest setup Enter your selection: 2 question Integration testing? 1) None 2) RSpec with Capybara 3) Cucumber with Capybara 4) Turnip with Capybara 5) MiniTest with Capybara setup Enter your selection: 3 question Continuous testing? 1) None 2) Guard setup Enter your selection: 1 question Fixture replacement? 1) None 2) Factory Girl 3) Machinist 4) Fabrication setup Enter your selection: 1 question Front-end framework? 1) None 2) Twitter Bootstrap 3) Zurb Foundation 4) Skeleton 5) Just normalize CSS for consistent styling setup Enter your selection: 2 question Twitter Bootstrap version? 1) Twitter Bootstrap (Less) 2) Twitter Bootstrap (Sass) setup Enter your selection: 2 question Add support for sending email? 1) None 2) Gmail 3) SMTP 4) SendGrid 5) Mandrill setup Enter your selection: 4 question Authentication? 1) None 2) Devise 3) OmniAuth setup Enter your selection: 2 question Devise modules? 1) Devise with default modules 2) Devise with Confirmable module 3) Devise with Confirmable and Invitable modules setup Enter your selection: 3 question Authorization? 1) None 2) CanCan with Rolify setup Enter your selection: 2 question Use a form builder gem? 1) None 2) SimpleForm setup Enter your selection: 1 question Install a starter app? 1) None 2) Home Page 3) Home Page, User Accounts 4) Home Page, User Accounts, Admin Dashboard setup Enter your selection: 4 create README append README recipe Running readme recipe... recipe Running gems recipe... gsub Gemfile gsub Gemfile gsub Gemfile gemfile mysql2 (>= 0.3.11) gemfile rspec-rails (>= 2.12.2) gemfile database_cleaner (>= 1.0.0.RC1) gemfile email_spec (>= 1.4.0) gemfile cucumber-rails (>= 1.3.1) gemfile launchy (>= 2.2.0) gemfile capybara (>= 2.0.3) gemfile bootstrap-sass (>= gemfile sendgrid (>= 1.0.1) gemfile devise (>= 2.2.3) gemfile devise_invitable (>= 1.1.5) gemfile cancan (>= 1.6.9) gemfile rolify (>= 3.2.0) run git add -A from "." run git commit -qm "rails_apps_composer: Gemfile" from "." recipe Running testing recipe... recipe Running email recipe... recipe Running models recipe... recipe Running controllers recipe... recipe Running views recipe... recipe Running routes recipe... recipe Running frontend recipe... recipe Running init recipe... recipe Running prelaunch recipe... recipe Running prelaunch recipe... recipe Running extras recipe... extras Set a robots.txt file to ban spiders? (y/n) y extras Create a GitHub repository? (y/n) n extras Use application.yml file for environment variables? (y/n) y extras Reduce assets logger noise during development? (y/n) y extras Improve error reporting with 'better_errors' during development? (y/n) y extras recipe setting quiet_assets for reduced asset pipeline logging gemfile quiet_assets (>= 1.0.2) extras recipe creating application.yml file for environment variables gemfile figaro (>= 0.6.3) extras recipe adding better_errors gem gemfile better_errors (>= 0.7.2) gemfile binding_of_caller (>= 0.7.1) extras recipe banning spiders by modifying 'public/robots.txt'

DanielKehoe commented 10 years ago

Sorry for the slow reply (only a year late) but I'm closing out old issues. In the newest version of Rails Composer, there is only one option for testing, which sets up RSpec, Capybara, and FactoryGirl (the most popular stack, it seems). Please open an issue on rails_apps_composer if you feel FactoryGirl should be optional.

Thank you for your support.