RailsApps / rails-stripe-membership-saas

An example Rails 4.2 app with Stripe and the Payola gem for a membership or subscription site.
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20150520usersignup #142

Closed kathyonu closed 9 years ago

kathyonu commented 9 years ago

Note of 20150524 : In my study of RSpec, I just came across this : "Capybara is no longer supported in request specs as of Capybara 2.0.0. The recommended way to use Capybara is with feature specs." Source : https://relishapp.com/rspec/rspec-rails/v/3-2/docs/request-specs/request-spec Daniel, you were right to have placed these tests in Features, which I erringly placed in Requests. If this entyire PR is worthy of fix, let me know, I will fix it. Otherwise, feel free to Close this PR at this time.

Original Message : I invite you to clone this branch and take the tests for a spin. You will find the Sign up test gives you the error, Plan is invalid. I cannot get past this error, I cannot figure out why it is happening, nor can I even find where the 'Plan is invalid' message is coming from.

DanielKehoe commented 9 years ago

Cloned the repo and got an error :

in `require': cannot load such file -- support/helpers/session_helpers (LoadError)
kathyonu commented 9 years ago

I clone the repo and perform the following, and i get no error, the session_helpers file is loaded. mkdir 20150522tests cd 20150522tests git clone https://github.com/kathyonu/rails-stripe-membership-saas.git cd rails-stripe-membership-saas.git git fetch origin 20150520usersignup git checkout 20150520usersignup rake db:migrate ( plans are not yet generated ) rake db:reset ( both commands were required to generate the Plans the first time ) bundle install bundle outdated bundle update rspec

Runs like a champ through all the tests

kathyonu commented 9 years ago

Closed by author