Closed yock closed 9 years ago
I've just verified that the tests run successfully for the latest version of the app in the repo (both Rspec and Cucumber). Can you check to make sure that you've set Stripe up correctly with a Silver plan? See the README for "Prepare Your Stripe Account".
There is a new version of this application for Rails 4.2 using the Payola gem.
Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/users/sign_up_with_stripe.feature:11 # Scenario: With valid card data cucumber features/users/sign_up_with_stripe.feature:56 # Scenario: With declined card cucumber features/users/user_delete.feature:13 # Scenario: I create a new subscription and delete my account
This seems to be due to a recent change to require a role on signup. Manually following the test cases in the browser using the seeded dev database has the expected behavior. The failing cucumber tests all have this bit of form validation:
"No such plan: silver"
My attempts to find a place to set this for a given test failed, but I'm new to cucumber.