RailsApps / rails-stripe-membership-saas

An example Rails 4.2 app with Stripe and the Payola gem for a membership or subscription site.
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Stripe token not present-searched existing answers #84

Closed airjoshb closed 11 years ago

airjoshb commented 11 years ago

I built the app using the generator (totally awesome) and have signed up as a member using your promotion for the first month and downloaded the tutorial. I have run into a problem where I am getting the Stripe token not present error when I try to sign up as a user NOT using @example.com.

I set it up, had it working as a test using the @example.com, but it wouldn't work as a user using my real email address, that is when I get the error. I figured I would forge ahead and modified my plans (both in the code and in Stripe), deleted the test user setup in the seed data and deployed to heroku, where I just get "something went wrong".

I have not been able to get it to create a new user in test mode in Stripe and have the user show up there.

I have searched the issues here and they don't seem to apply. With the code from the generator, I have the stripe.js call in the application code, i am not using the test users in the seed data, i have changed to my email address for admin, I have the test keys in the code for Stripe. I tried scoping out the issue in the javascript console, but it only shows it for a millisecond before going to the error page, so I can't see it.

Any help would be appreciated.

airjoshb commented 11 years ago

feel free to ignore this issue. after hours of searching it appears that the copy and paste of the test key was one digit short. Late night working... sigh. Thanks for a great resource.