RailsApps / rails-stripe-membership-saas

An example Rails 4.2 app with Stripe and the Payola gem for a membership or subscription site.
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not a problem (learning how to use GitHub issues) #87

Closed seei2i closed 10 years ago

klinskyc commented 10 years ago

what is still a big problem?

DanielKehoe commented 10 years ago

@seei2i It seems like you are new to GitHub. I'd like to encourage you to participate in open source development. If you're going to do so, it's important to respect the time and effort of everyone who contributes. Many people who watch this project get notified when an issue like this is posted. That means messages in everyone's inbox and time taken to read and follow up. If you post an issue without any description or details, you're interrupting many people's work for nothing. There is no easy way to remove an issue once it is posted. That means your superfluous issue permanently clutters the list of issues, distracting from important issues and making it harder for everyone to find the solutions they need.

If you've identified a genuine issue, please provide a meaningful title that describes the problem, and provide details about a) what you expected to happen, b) what actually happened, and c) steps other people can take to reproduce the problem.

I'm going to close this issue and edit the title to indicate it should be ignored.

seei2i commented 10 years ago

I do appreciate you getting directly involved and now realize that the "issues" information I wrote was not descriptive and therefore not constructive. I have been trying to find the solution to the "Stripe token not present. Can't create account." for a few days. Your application is great but finding the solution to this problem has been difficult. The real kicker is that I had it working previously after a great deal of time, web searches and reading the issues that are related to this. Is this issue covered in your more detailed tutorial?

DanielKehoe commented 10 years ago

What happens if you clone the example app from the Github repo, set your Stripe key, and run the Cucumber test suite?

dschuler commented 10 years ago

I keep noticing that people have trouble with the Stripe token. There are a lot of moving parts, since Javascript has to load on the page, then get the token from Stripe, and submit the token to the server. When I worked through this, a HTTP debugger was quite helpful. I recommend you try Charles (http://www.charlesproxy.com), which lets you see all request parameters. The shareware version is functional enough (it's time-limited for 30 minutes).

albertpak commented 10 years ago

I've used this app - http://www.getpostman.com - and it has Chrome extension :)