RailsApps / rails3-devise-rspec-cucumber

An example Rails 3.2 app with Devise and RSpec and Cucumber.
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Cucumber & rspec issues #1

Closed schadenfred closed 13 years ago

schadenfred commented 13 years ago

Some of your users may be encountering one or both of these issues:

1) Cucumber feature for signup doesn't pass, because we need to add a step for filling in the name:

Scenario: User signs up with valid data Given I am not logged in When I go to the sign up page And I fill in "Name" with "John Doe" And I fill in "Email" with "user@test.com" And I fill in "Password" with "please" And I fill in "Password confirmation" with "please" And I press "Sign up" Then I should see "Welcome! You have signed up successfully."

2) Rspec tests may not pass depending on whether or not the tutorial reader allows the generators to over-write some of the spec files. Because the author has added the Rspec tests early in the tutorial (definitely the correct choice, imo, for getting people to think about bdd, which is the whole point of cucumber), and then asks the reader generate files later in the tutorial, some of the spec files may be over-written, depending on whether the user answers y/n at the generator prompts. The solution is to NOT allow the generators to over-write any of the spec files.

3) Also, if you're seeing yellow "pending" specs," just comment out the lines or remove the files. I removed the whole spec/views directory.

Other than that, the tutorial works great!

fortuity commented 13 years ago

Fred, thanks for adding this helpful guidance!