Closed DevinBayly closed 8 years ago
Something like this:
imap Foo <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
mentioned in :help delimitMateMappings
I've tried imap <C-J> <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
like described here, without success.
Putting that line in my conf file, new map is not taken, DelimitMateTest says it's taken the default
i <BS> @<Plug>delimitMateBS
last set by ~/.config/nvim/plugins/delimitMate/plugin/delimitMate.vim
i <S-BS> @<Plug>delimitMateS-BS
last set by ~/.config/nvim/plugins/delimitMate/plugin/delimitMate.vim
i <S-Tab> @<Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
last set by ~/.config/nvim/plugins/delimitMate/plugin/delimitMate.vim
i <C-G>g @<Plug>delimitMateJumpMany
last set by ~/.config/nvim/plugins/delimitMate/plugin/delimitMate.vim
My fault: I had a conflict with another plugin: imap <C-L> <Plug>delimitMateS-Tab
did the trick. Sorry about that.
Hi there,
I'd really like to make do what shift-tab is setup to do by default, but the information in the documentation hasn't helped me make this happen. What should I do to make this possible?
Thanks for helping me out!