RainHaven / iron-seo

Title and Meta Tags for Iron Router and Social Sharing
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Page Title and Tags don't appear when on Facebook and Twitter sharer #5

Open kenshinman opened 8 years ago

kenshinman commented 8 years ago

hi, I have this issue and I'm not sure if I'm the one not getting it right or this package is not compatible with meteor 1.3

here's my route and definitions

`this.route('main', { path: '/', template: 'main', data: function(){ templateData = { questions: Posts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}}) };

    return templateData;
title: 'Homepage - Welcome to my website',
metaNames: {
    description: 'descriptioon.',

    "twitter:card": "summary",
    "twitter:site": "@handle",
    "twitter:title": "Homepage - Welcome to website",
    "twitter:description": "description",
    "twitter:image": "http://mysite.com/img/image.png"
    metaProperties: {
        'og:type': 'article',
        'og:title': 'Homepage - Welcome to website',
        'og:image': 'http://website.com/img/image.png'

});` when I share to facebook, I just see the website's url. No image and no description

MichalW commented 7 years ago

Do you have Spirerable package? https://atmospherejs.com/meteor/spiderable