RainLoop / rainloop-webmail

Simple, modern & fast web-based email client
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New Logo for Rainloop? #1408

Open elioqoshi opened 7 years ago

elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

I was wondering whether you need to have a refresh on your branding for Rainloop? Would love to help. Am focused on working with open source projects: https://ura.design

Would be great to see this happening!

extremeshok commented 7 years ago

Post a sample logo for the project, rather than advertising design services. It comes off as a spam offering for design work. Our mail spam filters block thousands of these design offers.

ervee commented 7 years ago

Yes, please edit (remove) your message and close this case. This is ridiculous.

elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

Hah, are you serious? I wanted to do this for free. If you would have done your research you would have found out that we are focused on doing branding for open source projects. Have you even checked my background before calling me a spammer?

Reconsider your attitude before driving people into reporting. Thank you.

elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

Even if I was a spammer, having that attitude drives contributors away. And then we complain why there are lack of contributors and inclusivity. Great job driving potential contributors away.

I was recently considering to switch to RainLoop as I really liked the UX. If the attitude of the project is however even remotely close to what I have seen here, I really hope someone forks it into a project where one isn't an asshole at the first best opportunity.

giannisk commented 7 years ago

You do realise we have done branding, free of charge, for numerous free and open-source projects, right? If not, have a look at that "spam URL" that Elio posted.

Congratulations for driving us away at first glance. Take care and goodbye.

brantje commented 7 years ago

What is this? Do you guy's react to every contributor like this? The guy offers you to help you out with a logo. I don't see why he's spamming because he is offering it for free. I've worked with him great guy in any way, not a spammer!

Also a request to remove / edit the message, so you like censorship?

animalillo commented 7 years ago

Woah amazing! I was thinking in setting this up, but this gave me a bad feeling.

extremeshok commented 7 years ago

@elioqoshi If you really wanted to make logo's and graphics for this project, you would of already made them, and then submitted a PR and/or posted them for comment/voting.

@brantje Zero tolerance to spammers, he has contributed nothing so far.

@animalillo make some nice graphics and do a pull request, or create a fork/plugin with new graphics and then announce it.

brantje commented 7 years ago

@extremeshok I'm sure he does logo's. He made some logo's for my project and they are better looking than your current one imho.

ervee commented 7 years ago

@elioqoshi @giannisk @brantje @animalillo , if you did your research you should know that nor me nor @extremeshok are in any way the authors of this software. So our opinions are just that. If you base your "drive away" or "I'm not installing RainLoop now!" comment on that than you're just ignorant.

If you want to selflessly contribute, do a PR or contact the author by e-mail. His e-mail is published on the front page for god-sake.

Stop this idiotic spam please.

douglascamata commented 7 years ago

I never, in my entire life, saw a worst reaction coming from open-source people. If you guys don't need a logo, just say no, thanks and close the case.

Because of bad people, like you, in the open source community, that doesn't know how to deal with other people, which are the core components of the model, that some projects are completely abandoned.

Be nice, BY DEFAULT.

If you are not the owners and/or not responsible for the branding, you don't need to comment and be aggressive.

brantje commented 7 years ago

Curious why you see my opinions as spam. Spam: send the same message indiscriminately to (a large number of Internet users).

extremeshok commented 7 years ago

@douglascamata people like us are needed... we directly fund open source projects, contribute code and releases. We own commercial rainloop licenses, which keeps this project alive.

douglascamata commented 7 years ago

@extremeshok no, people like you are definitely not needed. If it weren't for a few people like you, OSS projects would have many more contributors, for sure. Today, for example, it's high likely that this project lost one contributor. I wonder how many more it already lost or might lose because of behaviours like this.

AnXh3L0 commented 7 years ago

@extremeshok ahem, after carefully reading every comment here, I came to the conclusion that this project is not worth devoting our time on and it is a clear example of why some open source projects are failing, because of people like you that do not know how to deal with new possible contributors. You are trying to stay in your comfort zone and don't like innovation and better design for your project? Be my guest, we got more important projects to contribute to instead of wasting time with projects whom communities do not welcome new contributors.

elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

@extremeshok Your contributions don't matter much if you don't know how to behave properly in a community. Am curious what the lead developer thinks of this. I somehow have still hope both of you don't represent the values of the project.

Since you asked, here is the logo, together with the source files. Feel free to do whatever you want with them (but you will probably dislike them anyway). Consider them Public Domain:



You have no idea how destructive you are. You are the reason projects need Code of Conducts.

extremeshok commented 7 years ago

@elioqoshi pretty logos.

In the passed week, there has been over 200 solicitations on mailing lists for logo and design work for various projects. There is a huge resurgence in "Portfolio Gigs"

elioqoshi commented 7 years ago

I work as a designer for Mozilla and Tor, trust me, I'm not doing this for my portfolio. I can imagine many other people contributing for different reasons then suggested, but you shouldn't assume my intentions are the same.

ervee commented 7 years ago

@AnXh3L0, extremeshok is NOT the developer nor the owner of this project. Don't make such a big deal of one or two random people's comments. And don't write off someone else's project because of it.

All of you: Grow up!

douglascamata commented 7 years ago


These comments don't look like personal opinions. And anyway, if you guys didn't have anything to contribute to a healthy discussion about the subject of the PR and are not capable of taking a decision based on it: why the hell you started to speak aggressively?

Having an opinion on everything doesn't mean you should always expose it. Sometimes, like today and here, you both could have just kept your toxic opinions to yourselves.

Be responsible and think twice before you type, stop trying to ignore consequences just because it's my personal opinion, so I say whatever I want, herp derp, grow up.

ervee commented 7 years ago

If this was a PR I'd agree. But it was was filed as an issue and it looks spammy. And I'm not going to click some link to check.

arturbonnett commented 7 years ago

I liked this new proposed logo / identity colors. :+1: I think in addition to representing better, is more remarkable! ... Just my opinion, as a fan of the project.

madpsy commented 7 years ago

My opinion on this, for what it's worth. The OP is a tout for business no matter what 'open source' nonsense is spouted. Open Source != free (cost), especially when it comes to branding.

Looking at their site you can see that they clearly expect to be paid in money, not kind, either directly or via Patreon. Sure, the example amounts are low but it is still money, therefore this is unsolicited advertising.

A genuine contribution would be a PR with the logo they think would look nice. That's the difference between linking to a website which clearly has a 'What is your budget?' field and contributing with actual work, for free.

Receiving donations is perfectly legitimate, we all need to eat (and make a living). However, advertising your services like this is not the way to go about it and is the definition of spam.

simonv3 commented 7 years ago

Regardless of the source of the redesign or the attitude around soliciting a redesign:

Requesting that a design change comes through a PR drives away very talented designers who aren't familiar with git. Knowing git shouldn't be a requirement for contributing to your project, especially if your skill set doesn't involve coding.

Design is an iterative process, and you can't just "do a PR" and fix it as if it's a bug. Designers take feedback into consideration, work on it, and come back with something new. Their tools aren't all transferable to code and commits.

There are already a lot of hurdles to get designers contributing to open source, something which is a detriment to the entire open source community.

But in the end this seems to be a project that doesn't do much to discourage one or two angry people from scaring off newcomers and willing contributors. @elioqoshi I honestly wouldn't waste my time.

gusarg81 commented 6 years ago

I definitely see this as Spam.

I am coder and designer as well, and I've worked along with some Open Source projects (like aMSN, and others in the past) and my own Open Source projects (which also, I've have my own business). So, for me to contribute to this kind of projects one should do it directly, not to post your business site... Thats clearly Spam, no matter if your business site is about Open Source or Comercial.

brantje commented 6 years ago

Own serval open source projects too and @elioqoshi did logo's for them, all all of them are awesome. So imo he is not a spammer, just a great guy who like's to design logo's for free. Other people would pay 100's if not 1000's or a logo design, so why you can't be thankful?