RainLoop / rainloop-webmail

Simple, modern & fast web-based email client
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Remove metadata for privacy reasons #2151

Open CodeAlDente opened 2 years ago

CodeAlDente commented 2 years ago

It would be great to have an option to delete metadata from files automatically after upload. Like the ones you have in a PDF file (e.g. author) or the information about your camera for images etc.

the-djmaze commented 2 years ago

There's a googolplex amount of different files that contain metadata. Or should it just edit the unencrypted docx, odt, pdf, png, jpeg, tiff, webp, m4a, m4v, wav, mp3, mkv, avi, mov, xlsx, ods, odp, ogg, eml, txt, etc.?

CodeAlDente commented 2 years ago

I think a checkbox to delete all metadata would be great for any type of file - if that is possible from technically point of view. That option could have a default value which can be set in settings. And you can change that for every mail individually. Maybe even for each attached file separately?
