I'd like to suggest a tiny change - some sites and databases put a dash "-" between character and numeric parts of title ids, for example a lot of BLES/BCES/BCUS title ids on redump.org seem to include it. I've caught myself multiple times pasting a title id from redump with a dash and seeing an error that there are no available updates where I'd expect some to appear:
A naive dash replacement to allow title ids with dashes produces expected results:
It seems that the dash is only a matter of preference and stripping it from input title_id shouldn't lead to incorrect title id info being fetched.
I'd like to suggest a tiny change - some sites and databases put a dash "-" between character and numeric parts of title ids, for example a lot of BLES/BCES/BCUS title ids on redump.org seem to include it. I've caught myself multiple times pasting a title id from redump with a dash and seeing an error that there are no available updates where I'd expect some to appear:
A naive dash replacement to allow title ids with dashes produces expected results:
It seems that the dash is only a matter of preference and stripping it from input title_id shouldn't lead to incorrect title id info being fetched.