Closed rinkal26783 closed 6 years ago
Sorry for that! It could be a problem with the config files. Please stop RainbowMiner and update to new bugfix release. This should cleanup.
If the problem persists, even with v3.8.0.3 (, please let me know.
have been mining x16r from last 20 minutes. don't know when it will go to next algo
{ "VersionCompatibility": "", "API_ID": "$API_ID", "API_Key": "$API_Key", "SSL": "$SSL", "ExcludeCoin": "$ExcludeCoin", "Delay": "$Delay", "MinerStatusUrl": "$MinerStatusUrl", "MinerStatusKey": "$MinerStatusKey", "SwitchingPrevention": "$SwitchingPrevention", "DisableAutoUpdate": "$DisableAutoUpdate", "ExcludeMinersWithFee": "$ExcludeMinersWithFee", "RemoteAPI": "$RemoteAPI", "RebootOnGPUFailure": "$RebootOnGPUFailure", "Wallet": "34qbpoXtRcTvom65Jys3VZD95P3MXerbdj", "WorkerName": "phoenix", "UserName": "jaimin26783", "Proxy": "", "Region": "europe", "Currency": "BTC,USD", "PoolName": "MiningPoolHub,NiceHash", "ExcludePoolName": "AHashPool,BlazePool,Blockcruncher,BlockMasters,Bsod,Hashrefinery,MiningPoolHubCoins,PhiPhiPool,Ravenminer,YiiMP,ZergPool,ZergPoolCoins,Zpool", "MinerName": "", "ExcludeMinerName": "", "Algorithm": "allium,ethash,keccakc,lyra2z,equihash,poly,x16s,yescryptr16,blake2s,keccak,cryptonightheavy,yespower,phi,equihash192,c11,hmq1725,pascal,myrgr,hodl,phi2,skunk,cryptonightv7,cryptonightlite,equihash144,hex,x17,hsr,m7m,tribus,xevan,skein,lyra2re2,neoscrypt,timetravel,yescrypt,renesis,x16r,sonoa", "ExcludeAlgorithm": "", "MiningMode": "combo", "ShowPoolBalances": "1", "ShowMinerWindow": "0", "FastestMinerOnly": "1", "UIstyle": "full", "DeviceName": "nvidia", "Interval": 60, "Donate": 24, "Watchdog": "1", "IgnoreFees": "0", "DisableDualMining": "1", "MSIAprofile": 2, "MSIApath": "c:\Program Files (x86)\MSI Afterburner\MSIAfterburner.exe", "UseTimeSync": "0", "PowerPrice": 0.08, "PowerPriceCurrency": "USD", "UsePowerPrice": "1", "CheckProfitability": "0" }
It is only benchmarking on one card too
Ok, I got it. Sorry for the inconvenience. There has been a problem with benchmarks, when the usePowerPrice has been set to "1". This problem should now be solved:
Please download and install bugfix release v3.8.0.4
@hernandn01 : would you please zip your Logs folder and paste it here? Also, please provide your current config.txt
I am using v3.8.0.4 and using usePowerPrice = 1 and benchmarks on all cards are working now. I assumed usePowerPrice was the actual cost in decimals of KWH
Super :) Phew! I am happy, if this issue is resolved.
How about a mix solution for the cards that do not report power consumption. I have 1050 ti that do not. Maybe a setting in miners.config.txt for those cards? Consumption should be observed at the wall for those cards and set the watt number static per algo.
@hernandn01 : Good idea, even though it implies a lot of hand work. I will think about it.
@hernandn01 : regarding the problem with the GTX 1050ti, I found it is a known problem with the NVIDIA drivers. It seems, Nvidia disabled the watt reading for this card model. So, adding a static power value to the miners.config.txt looks like the only safe solution, at the moment.
@hernandn01 : could you open the web-interface at http://localhost:4000 , click "Selected Devices". You will see a table with all your mining devices. Now click on the little "+", in the row of your GTX1050Ti. Would you please copy-and-paste the full data window here? (it is the opened, with the grey background). Maybe we can aproximate the powerconsumption.
I have two 1050 ti, copied both, powerdraw is NaN as mentioned in your previous link from Nvidia
Index: 2 PlatformId: 1 PlatformId_Index: 0 Type_PlatformId_Index: 0 Vendor: "NVIDIA" Vendor_Name: "NVIDIA Corporation" Vendor_Index: 0 Type_Vendor_Index: 0 Type: "Gpu" Type_Index: 1 OpenCL: {"AddressBits":64,"Available":true,"CompilerAvailable":true,"DoubleFpConfig":"FpDenorm, FpInfNan, FpRoundToNearest, FpRoundToZero, FpRoundToInf, FpFma","EndianLittle":true,"ErrorCorrectionSupport":false,"ExecCapabilities":"ExecKernel","Extensions":"cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer","GlobalMemCacheSize":98304,"GlobalMemCacheType":2,"GlobalMemCachelineSize":128,"GlobalMemSize":4294967296,"ImageSupport":true,"LocalMemSize":49152,"LocalMemType":1,"MaxClockFrequency":1493,"MaxComputeUnits":6,"MaxConstantArgs":9,"MaxConstantBufferSize":null,"MaxMemAllocSize":1073741824,"MaxParameterSize":4352,"MaxReadImageArgs":256,"MaxSamplers":32,"MaxWorkGroupSize":1024,"MaxWorkItemDimensions":3,"MaxWorkItemSizes":"1024 1024 64","MaxWriteImageArgs":16,"MemBaseAddrAlign":4096,"MinDataTypeAlignSize":128,"Name":"GeForce GTX 1050 Ti","ClVersion":"OpenCL C 1.2 ","Platform":"@{Profile=FULL_PROFILE; Version=OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 9.2.156; Name=NVIDIA CUDA; Vendor=NVIDIA Corporation; Extensions=System.Object[]}","PreferredVectorWidthChar":1,"PreferredVectorWidthShort":1,"PreferredVectorWidthInt":1,"PreferredVectorWidthLong":1,"PreferredVectorWidthFloat":1,"PreferredVectorWidthDouble":1,"Profile":"FULL_PROFILE","QueueProperties":"OutOfOrderExecModeEnable, ProfilingEnable","SingleFpConfig":"FpDenorm, FpInfNan, FpRoundToNearest, FpRoundToZero, FpRoundToInf, FpFma, FpCorrectlyRoundedDivideSqrt","Type":"Gpu","Vendor":"NVIDIA Corporation","VendorId":4318,"Version":"OpenCL 1.2 CUDA","DriverVersion":"398.36"} Model: "GTX1050Ti" Model_Name: "GeForce GTX 1050 Ti" Name: "GPU#01" Data: {"Utilization":100,"UtilizationMem":16,"Temperature":61,"PowerDraw":null,"PowerLimit":106,"FanSpeed":62,"Pstate":" P0","Clock":1911,"ClockMem":4503,"PowerMaxLimit":130,"PowerDefaultLimit":120,"PowerLimitPercent":88} tMemory: "4 GB" tDriverVersion: "398.36" tClockSpeed: 1493 tCores: 6 tPowerDraw: "NaN W" tFanSpeed: "62 rpm" tClock: "1911 MHz" tClockMem: "4503 MHz" tPowerLimitPercent: "88 %" tTemperature: "61 °C" tUtilization: "100 %"
Second 1050 ti
Index: 4 PlatformId: 1 PlatformId_Index: 2 Type_PlatformId_Index: 2 Vendor: "NVIDIA" Vendor_Name: "NVIDIA Corporation" Vendor_Index: 2 Type_Vendor_Index: 2 Type: "Gpu" Type_Index: 3 OpenCL: {"AddressBits":64,"Available":true,"CompilerAvailable":true,"DoubleFpConfig":"FpDenorm, FpInfNan, FpRoundToNearest, FpRoundToZero, FpRoundToInf, FpFma","EndianLittle":true,"ErrorCorrectionSupport":false,"ExecCapabilities":"ExecKernel","Extensions":"cl_khr_global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_fp64 cl_khr_byte_addressable_store cl_khr_icd cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_nv_compiler_options cl_nv_device_attribute_query cl_nv_pragma_unroll cl_nv_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_nv_d3d11_sharing cl_nv_copy_opts cl_nv_create_buffer","GlobalMemCacheSize":98304,"GlobalMemCacheType":2,"GlobalMemCachelineSize":128,"GlobalMemSize":4294967296,"ImageSupport":true,"LocalMemSize":49152,"LocalMemType":1,"MaxClockFrequency":1493,"MaxComputeUnits":6,"MaxConstantArgs":9,"MaxConstantBufferSize":null,"MaxMemAllocSize":1073741824,"MaxParameterSize":4352,"MaxReadImageArgs":256,"MaxSamplers":32,"MaxWorkGroupSize":1024,"MaxWorkItemDimensions":3,"MaxWorkItemSizes":"1024 1024 64","MaxWriteImageArgs":16,"MemBaseAddrAlign":4096,"MinDataTypeAlignSize":128,"Name":"GeForce GTX 1050 Ti","ClVersion":"OpenCL C 1.2 ","Platform":"@{Profile=FULL_PROFILE; Version=OpenCL 1.2 CUDA 9.2.156; Name=NVIDIA CUDA; Vendor=NVIDIA Corporation; Extensions=System.Object[]}","PreferredVectorWidthChar":1,"PreferredVectorWidthShort":1,"PreferredVectorWidthInt":1,"PreferredVectorWidthLong":1,"PreferredVectorWidthFloat":1,"PreferredVectorWidthDouble":1,"Profile":"FULL_PROFILE","QueueProperties":"OutOfOrderExecModeEnable, ProfilingEnable","SingleFpConfig":"FpDenorm, FpInfNan, FpRoundToNearest, FpRoundToZero, FpRoundToInf, FpFma, FpCorrectlyRoundedDivideSqrt","Type":"Gpu","Vendor":"NVIDIA Corporation","VendorId":4318,"Version":"OpenCL 1.2 CUDA","DriverVersion":"398.36"} Model: "GTX1050Ti" Model_Name: "GeForce GTX 1050 Ti" Name: "GPU#03" Data: {"Utilization":100,"UtilizationMem":16,"Temperature":51,"PowerDraw":null,"PowerLimit":60,"FanSpeed":51,"Pstate":" P0","Clock":1607,"ClockMem":4503,"PowerMaxLimit":130,"PowerDefaultLimit":120,"PowerLimitPercent":50} tMemory: "4 GB" tDriverVersion: "398.36" tClockSpeed: 1493 tCores: 6 tPowerDraw: "NaN W" tFanSpeed: "51 rpm" tClock: "1607 MHz" tClockMem: "4503 MHz" tPowerLimitPercent: "50 %" tTemperature: "51 °C" tUtilization: "100 %"
Ok, I added TDP aproximation for Nvidia cards, also. Please try the
.. if we are lucky, the GTX1050Ti will now present it's powerdraw.
I get tPowerDraw: "0 W", I applied all commits including update watt calculation
Miner Algorithm Speed Power BTC/Day USD/Day Accuracy Fee Pool
CryptoDredge Lyra2z 2.67 MH/s 0W 0.00013455 0.8228 98% 1.00% BlockMasters Excavator1.4.4 NeoScrypt 1.04 MH/s 0W 0.00012984 0.7940 96% - BlockMasters CryptoDredge Lyra2RE2 33.05 MH/s 0W 0.00010915 0.6675 94% 1.00% BlockMasters CryptoDredge PHI2 5.26 MH/s 0W 0.00010770 0.6586 94% 1.00% BlockMasters-Luxcoin EnemyZealot Hex 9.52 MH/s 0W 0.00009779 0.5980 98% 1.00% BlazePool Trex X16S 9.45 MH/s 0W 0.00009390 0.5742 98% 1.00% BlockMasters Ewbf Equihash24x5 32.00 H/s 0W 0.00009123 0.5579 98% - ZergPool EnemyZealot X16R 12.30 MH/s 0W 0.00009649 0.5900 90% 1.00% ZergPool Ewbf Equihash24x7 17.00 H/s 0W 0.00008492 0.5193 98% - ZergPool-Zero CryptoDredge Allium 5.19 MH/s 0W 0.00008421 0.5150 97% 1.00% ZergPool-Garlic Trex X17 9.35 MH/s 0W 0.00008076 0.4939 96% 1.00% BlockMasters CryptoDredge Tribus 65.91 MH/s 0W 0.00007887 0.4823 95% 1.00% BlockMasters EnemyZealot PHI 18.43 MH/s 0W 0.00006913 0.4227 95% 1.00% BlockMasters XmrigNvidia CryptoNightHeavy 637.00 H/s 0W 0.00006564 0.4014 94% 1.00% NiceHash CcminerKlaust Yescrypt 8.00 KH/s 0W 0.00006213 0.3799 99% - BlazePool Bminer Equihash 426.00 H/s 0W 0.00006358 0.3888 93% 2.00% NiceHash CcminerXevan Skein 415.50 MH/s 0W 0.00006123 0.3744 94% - BlockMasters CcminerAlexis78 C11 12.55 MH/s 0W 0.00005820 0.3559 94% - BlockMasters CcminerX16s HMQ1725 3.66 MH/s 0W 0.00005687 0.3478 94% - ZergPool CcminerXevan Xevan 2.31 MH/s 0W 0.00005413 0.3310 97% - ZergPool Excavator CryptoNightV7-NHMP 622.00 H/s 0W 0.00004914 0.3005 97% - NiceHash EnemyZealot Timetravel 25.93 MH/s 0W 0.00005033 0.3078 91% 1.00% BlockMasters-Machinecoin CcminerAlexis78x64 KeccakC 576.99 MH/s 0W 0.00004493 0.2747 65% - ZergPoolCoins-Creativecoin CcminerKlaust YescryptR16 1.44 KH/s 0W 0.00003312 0.2025 96% - BlockMasters CcminerSkunk Skunk 16.89 MH/s 0W 0.00002907 0.1778 96% - BlazePool CcminerPolytimos Keccak 549.33 MH/s 0W 0.00001573 0.0962 93% - ZergPool-Maxcoin
followed instructions as I should on the first placed, and replace all files from Master. It is working now
working fine, currently redoing benchmarks where 1050 ti are involved. thank you very much
Super :)
@rinkal26783 : is your benchmark problem being resolved with the bugfix release, too?
benchmarks are not working.